
Yeah, liberals will never understand until they themselves are hunters. They won't ever get that Ducks Unlimited does more then WWF ever does. WWF just lobbies for more taxes on gas and stopping global warming bullshit. They don't do anything to save the animals they just lobby. Ducks Unlimited reconstructs damaged

Yeah but they were helping the environment. If it wasn't for Ducks Unlimited, NRA, Delta Waterfowl, Walleyes for Tomorrow, Whitetails Unlimited, North American Wild Sheep Foundation, Rough Grouse Society, Pheasants Forever, Boone & Crockett and Pope & Young -wild game would be gone. These are the agencies that really

How do you know the motives of hunters? Are you an avid hunter? Have you ever in your life been an avid hunter? Are you friends with many hunters that you gathered your information from? Have you spent the better part of your life in the woods watching animals walk by?

@d0minick: I just want to chime in and say most people go deer hunting as a family affair. I killed two deer, a few dozen ducks and a bear in my lifetime and I can guarantee you I am more in touch with nature. The hours spent sitting in the woods gives you this awesome respect for all things nature, that you wouldn't

For all the people saying how horrendous hunting is, it really isn't. Hunting in africa saves many animals from being poached. An elephant hunt could run you 15,000 dollars. 14,000 of those dollars will go to a wildlife management fund to stop poachers. They say that the funds from hunt save about 10 elephants lives

He got you!

Yes like an Induction Music transfer or something, like touch and boom its transfered.

Maybe they are planning something like wireless syncing using some foreign unknown tecnology.

I know I play soccer as well, In highschool. I would play football but I have a shitty back and the coach is a dick. The thing about American Football is almost everyone in the country stands on their feet when their team makes a big play. There aren't huge plays in soccer its just like the game goes on and on and on.

They have these like every ten feet in Whistler. I was really confused when I stopped to eat this winter at a picnic table spot halfway down a mountain, Then I remembered they were a mountain bike resort before a skiing one.

Ever hear of a root?

Well that would clear up the confusion for me.

@aec007: OR put a cover on the top of the stadium and blast AC in that bitch. I bet that would be cheaper.

The US doesn't do soccer, we do football and are damn good at it.

Ha, ever since I read the book Frindle in 4th grade I have tried to think of a word to replace a noun. I have never been successful, but it has haunted my presleeping thoughts for years.

Totally new to this Honeycomb stuff, but an early adopter to android has me comfused. Will honeycomb utilize apps that can be used on the android phone OS. Because without the Menu, Back, Home and search button they would be limited.

I have a fuzz buster in my truck. I got pulled over once for a busted left tail light and the cop saw it and said he liked those, helped him think of new spots to hide.

Yes but now with quicker phone upgrades and nearly unlimited data - 5 Gigs, I think the price will balance out. I'd upgrade android phones every year if I could.

@Samurai I-am-awry: $2.30 for a gallon of milk here, I can even get free artesian water, I just need to bring a jug to the lake. I like on Lake Superior in Wi.

I'm telling you guys, Us Cellular is going to be huge in a few years. Recently they have taken a likin to their customers and treated them very well. Different from when I was with them, they sucked then. But now after I jumped ship they are doing it the way a cell phone company should do it. Caring about what their