
This sounds good! Because they said teens that implies 16 to 18 year olds as well. These are the few that will go off into the world and try college in two years or two months. If parents don't think they can handle a facebook, they are fucked next year.

Thats a lot of money to spend on an axe. A 25$ 8lb maul will do better then the 445$ axe.

Give me an F150 with a 5.4 V8, Lockers, 4WD, 3" Suspension lift and 35" BF Goodwrench A/Ts and I am happy. Include an Aux Port and I will burn a tank of gas in a 20 Acre muddy field.

Play runescape. The ultimate way to stop STDs and Unwanted Pregnancies in their tracks.

Well the government thinks anything with a pistol grip stock is an assualt rifle now a days! There was an anti gun lobbyist the managed to get gun shrouds banned for a few years. When asked what they did in an interview afterwards she said " Oh, gun shrouds can make any weapon fire automatically and give almost no

@Nikkoli: Wait. His math is right. 4 Liters to a gallon, two liters a minute means .5 gallons a minute.

Only if it's water proof. Thats the reason I bought a Go Pro over a Flip. It was water proof.

Answer: Take out all computers in the process of opening the floodgates and *HARDWIRE* it to a panel of switches. Sometime retro tech is the way to go.

It will for sure find me after I go to Taco Bell, and not for breathing.

If you can turn 3D off for good, It may be a deal maker for me.

@mrisco: Well. it isn't real yet. I have a SuperChip in my truck and they are devoing an app for it as we speak. The chip came with bluetooth. I bought a cheapy tablet that is in the mail. planing on mounting it where my header is in the dash by sinking the header in like 2 two inches and running a permant usb and aux

@Trickyhop: Android button are part of android. Why take up screen realestate? Ahh. Well my android tablet has an app that combines with my super chip in my truck. Gives me real time data of my HP, Milage, Torque. The tablet also has taken over my media center in the truck as well as my GPS. And I don't pay for data.

@GitEmSteveDave: They would get stolen. There have been problems around my area with people sawing off solar panels off of road signs, stealing them from boats in marinas and other stuff.

@chauncy that billups: I wonder if you were serious? Because where I'm from all the black people drive dodge neons with a pipe on them that my F150 will haul

@GitEmSteveDave: Except your solar panel would be gone in a week.

@Canon7D-Fanboy: Well one thing that hurt diesel engines is the newer low sulfur diesel. I Used to get about 22 mpg on my 7.1 F350 now I only get around 16 mpg.

@Luis Mazza: Dude you know what would be weird. If we did live in a black hole. And we saw the edge of it. Like the black hole we are in is sucking shit up and we just haven't been able to see past it. Maybe with this next tele the truth will be revealed.

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