
@Aaron Crabtree: I will run a rom on december 26th when my warranty expires. Gotta hop up my evo.

Learn something new everyday.

I think that android should use their notifications pull down for more stuff. I wish I could have a few applications shortcuts. Some controls to turn on and off wifi, gps, mobile, wifi - just the basics. That's all I want for christmas santa.

Answer to Your Question: Money.

@m0m0: The same people who voted Obama in also voted in a republican in the seat he left to be Prez. If that doesn't say something; I don't know what does.

It's really sad. Wikileaks just shows how America isn't trusting it's congress, judges, or President. Face it, the public can't know about everything, we couldn't handle it. That's why we have elected officials to deal with the things the public can't handle and shouldn't know. WE should be able to trust the people WE

@epikfail: Yes I still don't get how this guy is legal. If I sing a song that is copy written by an artist I am stealing. If I try to make a copy of photo that I don't own the rights to, I am stealing. If I mass produce and sell a product that has a patent I am also stealing. Hell, If I go skiing without paying for a

He will release some classified information about a country that isn't so stable and will end up shot.

I has them all. Oh and the White iPhone 4s, the last living dinosaurs and the lisa computer system.

@Monty: Yes but the point margin shouldnt be put in. Teams get shit if they run up the score. Sportsman ship. Look at wisconsin, they win with 83 points and the team has to give an appology.

@Galaxius: Yes just have it structured like the NFL. With divisions. It would be cool.

Posted to facebook and all my Jock Friends liked it. Awesome.

Well all the dogs (labs) that I've seen trained with treats always die of something stupid. My friends dog ate a rock, the other one of his was pathetically useless to go hunting with. My old choco lab, Marengo, she was a beautiful lab that was one of the best retrievers ever. She was just trained with praises. She'd

How do the poor afford computers?

So did they pat down her skin? Or did she have to touch her in a no-no spot?

@Faxmonkey: Ahh. I have an old Zenith Big Screen and man does that thing have some kick ass speakers to it.

My eris is still pressing forward. I downloaded angry birds and its like watching a 6fps video.

@Faxmonkey: I thought they went out of business when the first color LCD was put in a phone.

@bbexaminer: Well, I bet they planted two more even after they pulled one. My Dad planted some 1,700 Blue Spruce and Firs on our farm then another 7k White Pine, Blue Spruce and Firs around our house. The 1,700 are about 15 years old and they are prime to be picked at about 15 feet. The white pines he planted 6 years