
I never found anything wrong with the prequals... Maybe it's because I'm in the Halo Generation - and am scared that 343 is going to rape the series after this.. =[

Paper I just wrote on this Article, lots of it is BSed because my General Business Teacher knows nothing about technology. Thanks Giz!

Good thing my Macbook hasn't worked since I installed the latest flash update.

Why do major FPS always get released on Tuesdays..

@hawkeye18: should have a tear down up next week.

@Faxmonkey: Because it's the government getting a bit too powerful. This is the kinda stuff that goes down when the Fed's get to powerful.

This is the kind of thing you expect to find when you undergo the daily 250 Point Inspection.. Doesn't anyone read the manual anymore?

@akasha: Yes, Go away for a two week vacation and come back to a dead car battery. Lovely.

Who called this in a whitenoise post about 3 months ago? Me!! Now only if i could find it

@Scaramanga: That's why I am still on iTunes 9.. all this ping bullshit.

At my house if I leave the water running it just drains into the ground. Eventually seeping down 50 feet to the ground water where the bottom of my well is. Saving Water can't exist in my house,

Yawn, the way cooler previously invented, wireless lamp.

Nanny State law much?

I wish I could dive that. It would be amazing. I did the wall on Grand Cayman Island last year and it was majestic.

Ahhh the Fall season. A New Update to Xbox 360, a new Halo, and best of all a brand addition to the Call of Duty series

Another 20$ a month.... -.-

Im still pissed at Skype for dropping fring support

Time to start a war. Between all the whitenoise equivalents of Gwaker sites