
What happened is the guy in the picture is wearing a silly band.

Hey look the screen is back to the size of my Nano I run with. I bought a Black first Gen 2 gig iPod Nano for 250$ back in the day.

I honestly don't give a fuck about a letter. A mustang or raptor is so much sweeter then any POS fiesta!

@Standish: The younger generation see's it and shakes outta fear of not knowing what it is.

So my Raptor would get a C but my Aunt's Prius will get an A+. Shit man i don't know what car i'd rather have.

Uhm so why don't they make something like a catalitic converter for cars and put another gov. regulation that you need them on.

I'm pretty sure it was all Bill's Fault.. Oh and I guess Batman had something to do with it as well.

@m57: Colored pie charts are the key to getting good grades. I have netflix red, BlockBuster as blue, and family video as green. I also coveredwhy netflix gained market share when Xbox got instant streaming, Basically because people didn't need to buy a physical thing just pay 15 bucks a month (Gold and Netflix) to

@m57: Already have it in a pie chart =]

@m57: It's my highschool quater one project right now for marketing.

@TheAntiCat: Well thanks for that. You confirmed my theory I do it right. Always private property =]

@zim11: My hunting rifle has a muzzle-break on it. (Google it). Less recoil but it is louder. So now everyone can hear me shoot time after time missing everything.

How do you properly execute a burnout?

The Cheese Curds have to squeak when you bite into them. That's a good Cheese Curds.

I got something like this outta a 30 cans pack of molson canadian. much classier drinking molson with a handle

I bet it still sounds like shit.

Well they need more then helicopter glass if people replace their wallet with their phone

How many pictures do you think they would have to take to make those pans so smooth!