
White privilege

“I could buy this house, I don’t fucking need you.”

RIP Alan Young, the voice of Scrooge McDuck, he passed away last week at age 96. Unless he already recorded dialogue for the new DuckTales series, this game will be his final performance as Unca Scrooge, a character we know he loved :(

Bullshit. Reads like a rehearsed story or a 1950s flashback in a non-horror Stephen King story.

If it’s true that he wasn’t helping her prostitute herself, then yes, him denouncing her is completely valid.

Grown men spending their money on what they want, holy crap! It’s an outrage! *facepalm*

a survival mode would be great but...

GRRM clearly has enough money so that he doesn’t have to work anymore. Not quite as clearly (but still pretty clearly) finishing ASOIAF is just work to him at this point. I’m sure on some level, he does want to get the series finished, but he’s lost his muse and the frustration has overtaken the joy in writing those

I can’t believe I’m defending Leonardo DiCaprio, as I love mocking him as much as the next person, but there is a weird obsession in the media with his dating life. Who cares if he’s into young supermodels? He’s the one that has to endure conversations and listen to Mark Anthony with them, not us.

Allen’s faced one questionable accusation. Huge difference.

Right how much do we think Bob Saget and Candace Cameron actually hate each other?

Calm down there, Satan.

When Version 5.0 comes out and they finally disable that useless MMO feature and let you play the game it should have always been...I’ll play it

Thank god you’re at least part of a well-regulated militia, so you’re allowed to own a firearm.

So you hope the love for adventure titles doesn’t come back?

We want his name, his home address. This guys life as he knew it needs to be over, yesterday.

I disagree that it’s the best KotOR. It has a darker and more nuanced story, yes, but nothing will ever top the original for me. Then again, it’s my favourite game of all time, so it’s very possible I’m biased. Super excited to check this out, but I dream of the same treatment for the first one, or better yet HD

Remember the time when the graphics at Arcades surpassed those of consoles? Those were the days...

Pillars of Eternity is more flawed than it is good. I have a lot of issues with the gameplay. The Engagement system sucks and doesn't accomplish the goal it sets out to. All it does it make it so if you attempt to move a unit midway through a fight, he dies.