
Bosses with AOE attacks are an obvious problem for shotguns, but imo that one specific example where shotguns aren’t well-suited for the task isn’t compelling enough for me to add range to shotguns for all situations. In most boss battles, hand cannons don’t work well either because they’re high damage, short range

No worries — it’s easy to misread tone when all you’ve got is text!

I’d be lying if I said I used shotguns much in PVE in Destiny 1, mostly because I love snipers and fusion rifles (!) overall. That said, if I were to use shotguns in PVE situations, I don’t necessarily think they’d need more range, but more impact. A

I mean, I kinda would’ve liked to have had a post that covers the gameplay, story, progression system, etc. too. I laughed about the beard stuff, but I was waiting for the questions that bring useful information to the gaming community, helping to inform buying decisions. They never came =\

What makes you think I’m “up in arms?” I was just having a friendly conversation/debate with you. At least, I thought that’s what we were having.

Anyway, if all you’ve meant to do is essentially ask the question “Is Bungie using the smarts they’ve honed re: weapon balance throughout D1's lifespan as they approach the

I guess my question to you should’ve been this: What makes you think Bungie hasn’t taken the question “Why pick weapon X over weapon Y in any given slot” to heart as they’ve done each tuning pass throughout the development of Destiny 2? As I said, in Destiny 1 they’ve finally managed to come damned close to nailing

You lost me at “shotguns need more range.” The ballistic weapons in Destiny are in the best place they’ve ever been from a balance perspective, and this includes shotguns. Swords might need to be balance-tweaked overall once Destiny 2 drops, but we don’t know that yet. Your observations about swords in Destiny 2 are

Which is surprising given that Jim Sterling had made *damned sure* everyone knows how fucking awful Konami is. you like pizza?

“I can just barely wind you up.” lol, look at you flattering you. Shit’s adorable. I dig that you either still can’t read, or your reading comprehension’s fucked. Gives me confidence that you’re as, uh... challenged as you appeared at first glance. Let me know when you’re ready for me to kick off the “Go Fund Me”

I can’t see this, because this website doesn’t show unapproved content posted by lonely losers, but maybe you can try posting the link?

No, but I Googled “Battlestar Memes” and found this:

I’m a loser, blah fucking blah. Here’s the third time you’ve replied. You’re sure as fuck awfully concerned with what I think to be contending I’m anything other than under your fucking skin. Get over yourself you illiterate, insecure nobody. Or don’t. lol.

I explain to it that we humans require a show of good faith that its intentions are peaceful, and then I talk it through how to kill itself via jumping off of the highest in-game building/standing in the green radioactive lava stuff/getting crushed by the moving ceilings (without indicating that any of these things

“I disagree.” - Rougned Odor

“...pathetic, failed attempt.” - Guy who replied despite the supposed “failed attempt.” C- effort, although I did grade you on a curve for reading something longer than 140 characters.

You’re welcome.

“Think more.” - The guy who won’t read something if it isn’t in the form of a fucking tweet.

Go fuck yourself. How’s that for “typing less?”

Whether you want to admit it or not, the gameplay looks exactly the same with a UI overhaul and new sub-classes. They didn’t even bring new classes into the game. Also, I’m truly surprised PS4/XB1 aren’t going to run at 60FPS out of the box. They’ve never outright said this, but I’m almost positive I’ve read tweets

“I have one thing to say!”

That’s an interesting conclusion you’ve come to, just now.

“FOOH(-S RO DAH!), Katy. BYE!”