
Right? They show her working out in the institution and the evil robots are not even close to taking over.

While we care about contraception, let’s be clear, all we’re saying is we don’t want government to mandate when we have to have it and when we don’t. We want to be able to make that decision,” she said.

I agree with this 100%. I had no idea and now I love him.

I freely admit that when I saw Sleeping Beauty as a child and she transformed into a dragon, I was terrified.

I’ve many instances of people who have a lot of money and they still want more. It doesn’t matter that they have half a billion dollars or a billion dollars-they want more.  And do you think she didn’t create her set list? Really?

FYI-Linda Hunt was always the best part of this show.

Birdman? Spotlight? Birdman is particularly good and his little speech when it won best picture was great.

I don’t know how that’s possible since she predated Tori by a decade but okay.

They should expect to be drugged?

Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow and Amy Brenneman? Yeah, I’m all in. Plus, it’s about time Jeff Bridges got one of these and trailer looks great.

That is 100% a reason to protest.

No mention of Pat Morita as the “houseboy”? And yes, that scene was soooo good. I would argue the McCloud was not a snore though-that belonged to Hec Ramsey, but to each their own.

The cruelty is the point, but also they really, really don’t like anyone who doesn’t fall into strict gender norms. “How dare you be different? We don’t like that AT ALL” I think it’s pure fear of the “other”, they are truly afraid people who aren’t straight, white and Christian. They don’t want anything that makes

Anything to do with Khonchu?

Where is she on the Bridge?

I love Carrie Coon’s dress but I’m still trying to wrap my head around her also being Proxima Midnight.

It was him kissing her against her will and she was not happy about it. So yeah, it was assault.

I remember the first time someone said this to me-I was in college. I stared at him in horror and confusion-I genuinely did not understand this saying. It’s only been in the years since that I came to understand that this phrase only works for the man who is doing the raping. . Also, it was the 80's.

There is very little upside to it. They sold it that way, but it’s really only good for the local utilities who can charge what they like during heavy usage and surge pricing makes them a lot of money.

So Sam Elliot is a real cowboy hanging out with cowboys now, and not an actor who plays one and lives in Malibu?