
I have been watching the various incarnations of the nazi punch pretty much non-stop for the past day or so and they still have yet to get old. Personal fave:

Sorry. We’ve fought nazis in WWII. I have no remorse for a nazi getting punched in the face. They want to kill us. They want white male supremacy. I don’t have time for that kind of bullshit rhetoric and neither should you. Sometimes you have to fight. That kind of evil needs to be stomped out by any means

I know that not everyone here loves her (and this is not an invitation to tell me what you think of her...trust me, I’ve already heard it) but I’m genuinely a fan of HRC and am still just so sad that she didn’t win. Can’t care about Joe - or any other candidate - right now/yet. :(

Really? He’d have walked into the presidency, and would have had the guidance and support of a strong exiting administration. Look at the clownfuckers who are about to run America. 

Because they are trying to look as Aryan as possible and would chug bleach if it would get them there?


Best take away: “I don’t see color.”

I hate this woman. There, I said it.

McDonald’s is Eugenics? Public school are eugenics? Words do not have a meaning anymore, I’d like fish in my coffee, hat!

But if she hadn’t said anything, people would have bitched about that. “Lena said she was moving to Canada, but I guess it was all talk. Typical Lena, I can’t stand her!”

Let’s lay off Lena Dunham and the “moving to Canada” crowd a little. I am very, extremely aware that if my husband’s grandfather hadn’t said “Fuck this, I’m out” after Hitler was elected in 1933, his family wouldn’t exist.

Treating women’s bodies as a commodity to be consumed is an unacceptable and pernicious trend that needs to be called out.

Me too. Could easily be some drunk women are horny and looking for sex. Celebratory moods make some women want sex? It’s ambiguous and I’d want to look at more than one tweet to determine a pattern and meaning. Trump’s are part of a long term pattern and are consistently bad to aweful.

This one tweet vs. Pence’s career of anti-woman, anti-gay legislation? Sing me up for team Brandon.

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

It really really isn’t.

Honestly, it’s a gross tweet, but..... I can’t seem to feel any outrage over this. Maybe I’m so accustomed to men talking like this that this tweet is very “vanilla” to me. I get it, hahaha a bunch of drunken white chicks... perfect time to get some, its bad but it’s not so bad that I’m gonna write him off. The way I

This is a distraction.

but noteworthy nonetheless.

“It is not enough for you to be out of my house. I insist you also be miserable.”