
The Daily Beast said Persky “coddled” Turner; the petitioners said the sentence was “lenient.” Yet they’re both wrong. The truth is that Brock Turner will spend more time in jail than 97 percent of rapists.

Loving Jezebel and being surprised at this feaux outrage are no longer consistent viewpoints. They do this frequently.

Exactly this. It’s not about which candidate you support or whether you think the system is rigged or whether you think Hillary Clinton eats dead puppies for lunch (she does).

And yet she’s... winning... by... around... 10 million votes... and 300 pledged delegates.....

You can’t get more two-sided than literally calling people and asking why they did the stupid thing that they did.

Again, provide examples of what the “Bitch” did that was criminal? Or are you just all hot air with nothing to back up your claims?

It’s possible that’s what she’s doing. It’s also possible she didn’t put a lot of thought into it and is quoting a well known song so as to make a joke about a photo in which her ass looks big. Take it up with Sir Mix-A-Lot. It’s his sentiment.

Ok- I love Jezebel and can’t stand Blake Lively- and this has given me outrage fatigue. How is this a thing to waste energy on? The most offensive part is that Blake Lively thinks she has a big butt.

So a girl is not allowed to quote Baby Got Back when talking about her own ass anymore? We have reached peak meaningless outrage.

My rage-o-meter is in the negatives on this one guys. This is a dumb take.


Hey, Bishop McDevitt H.S.:

I actually do see a need to compare and contrast. Because when you do that, men get the big piece of the pie, and that rubs me the wrong way. I certainly grant that individual people have all kinds of individual issues, but this false equivalency that I suspect you didn’t put a lot of thought into is probably not a

Well, I too am a man (right there in my name). I understand that you have issues, and I feel for that. But I’d suggest that if you don’t see the differences on the pressures that society places on us versus the pressures that society places on our sisters that you may be a little shortsighted.

I understand what you say and that girls might feel that way. But do you really think those swimsuits shown there would make such a big difference? Like a girl who feels too big will feel better in the one with stripes than in the one with the pattern?
I think the point is not to teach girls how to hide their “problem

If this was Mad Men, this ad would have been all Peggy.

“Right, I’d have no problem with that article in a magazine that’s for middle school aged kids.”

Can we get this back?

This must “bern” you up, to see Hillary being all competent and funny and totally the next president.

To me, this is offensive. I really hope you vote in November regardless. We need you. I am sure Bernie will vote for Clinton if she is the nominee (and she will for him, if he is). At the very least, think about supreme court nominees.