
She's so awful. I understand why she has to exploit this non-event in her life to get a career. It's because she'd never get one on her own. She doesn't have a smidge of the charisma that Beyonce does. And none of the talent.

yes, though i have to admit, that quick crossfade of her playing a keyboard to a "sample" of a sample was probably my favorite part.

Gah, and I thought I was a hipster for being in love with Andy Dwyer since Season 1!


I'm having warm fuzzy feelings with all the Everwood love. I have fond memories of watching it with my mom!

I'm still all about Anthony Mackie/the Falcon so don't be hacked off at me! D:

I want in the club!

He's one of those guys that you don't even feel right having a crush on because his wife is so lovely and they're so lovely together and I would be literally HEARTBROKEN if he cheated on/left his wife even if it was for me.

I know, that photo is killing me.

Girl, I feel you. So hard. I want to shout, "get some Andy Dwyer love, and then come back to me and tell me how much you looooove him in GotG." ANDY DWYER IS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL.

I, too, SAW HIM FIRST in Everwood. I feel this so deeply.

OMG! Just last week I posted a comment somewhere in JezGawker world calling myself a Chris Pratt hipster because I loved him before it was cool! ;-)

Yeah, I was busy being in love with the dweeb for that first season (sorry, I was a youngin!) but then, when I revisited the show toward the end of the run, I suddenly noticed Chris Pratt in a big way. Also, his character apparently stopped being an asshole. Now I have a perverse desire to find clips of Bright Abbott


When were we not in love with him?

i know. i'm all eww, barns. that's where animals poop.

Hey, maybe before you make more sweeping generalizations or assumptions, you find out what gender I actually am. I'm a 30-year-old woman. 11 years ago a guy forced me to go down on him in a frat house, and held my head on his dick to the point where I vomited and then passed out from being unable to breathe. When I

I think the broader claim IGotABlueberry may have been making (correct me if I'm making an ass of myself) is that there are more differences within a biological sex category than there are between them (i.e. women and men are equally likely to be monsters or not monsters barring any socializing otherwise).

You're right. This is depicting the actual crime. Maybe stereotyping isn't the correct word. However, we disagree about the distraction. I think the battle for women is definitely bigger and harder and a longer road to walk, but if we continue to say IT'S MEN! IT'S BECAUSE OF THE MAN we just make the divide even