
Short answer: no.

Thanks for articulating how I feel. Can we not rage over literally everything? I’m sure she posted it without thought. It was a relatively applicable song lyric to what she wanted to reference. There’s so, so much more true things to legitimately get angry over. (Waits for people to call me passively racist as well...)

Hale - recognized Muscatine! Hello from another Iowan. :)

You are a fucking genius.

I work a corporate job in downtown Chicago. I have 4 visible tattoos and bright purple hair. Not every company abides by those tired rules.

I was that bridesmaid, three times. A few years ago I was a bridesmaid twice in a WEEK and then once a couple of months later. I lived in Nashville at the time and had to make the trek back to the midwest, pay for hairstyles 3x, shoes 3x, dresses 3x, airline tickets, other shit, etc. Luckily, I had warned the brides

SAME, only home in rural Iowa rather than Chicago. *waves

Listen, I get the point you’re trying to make and as a pacifist I don’t disagree with you, but this article isn’t about her being a former Marine. I feel 100% comfortable celebrating someone that takes any step to truly being themselves.

I’ll say that my friend named Janae pronounces it Ju-nay, so that’d be my guess??

Killing it. KILL. ING. IT. I would FEAST on watching some of the horrid transphobic assholes try and tell her she can’t wear or do what she wants. Thanks for being you and speaking up, Janae!

Definitely Eva Longoria.


This couldn’t come at a better time for me - I just started having this conversation with myself the last couple of days. I don’t drink alone, at home very often, or really very much at all. But when I do, LOOK OUT, and also, thank you sir may I have another? Also, I can’t hold my liquor very well anymore. It’s not


Seriously...what? For fuck's sake, I said it was stupid & careless. Just because I don't personally find it abhorrent doesn't mean I agree with it. My viewpoint is that some dumbass at People magazine tried to make what was supposed to be a joke (not sure how) and it bombed miserably, considering the context of the

What exactly does "stupid & careless" mean to you? I'm sorry, let me clarify: SOMEBODY AT PEOPLE MAGAZINE FUCKED UP TONIGHT.

She was in other movies?? They allow actresses to do that now? Well color me shocked! Like...omg, what was she in?! Maybe...Traffic? Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close? Antwone Fisher? Doubt? Eat Pray Love? Far From Heaven?

Ok. And I didn't like it. Opinions are like that.

You misunderstand. I was using a hypothetical line from a hypothetical role. I didn't mean for it to sound like she would be saying the "you is smart" line as a hypothetical executive. I was saying that I do not believe People intended it to be offensive, merely calling back to her biggest role. But it was indeed

Yes, I understand all of that. I grasp the connotation, and am aware of the lack of sensitivity, which is why I said it was careless & stupid of them to tweet it in the first place.