

That's just unacceptable. I literally threw my pen across the room when I read your comment, haha! This is ridiculous! A psych that diagnoses Bipolar II and then basically shuts you down after a prescription pad? A GP that doesn't take a patient saying she thinks about dying seriously?? Are you in some kind of

I agree with everything you said, but the last paragraph especially...woo boy. That's why I'm so passionate about this (aside from getting my life back) because I know how hard it is to make that call. The last time I went back to therapy, I couldn't even begin to fathom running my finger through Google page after

Oh god - my best friend just had a baby a few weeks ago and got SLAMMED with PPD. That's a real bear, isn't it?? Good for you for getting the help you need. I could barely care for myself, I have utter admiration for mamas who are suffering and still need to care for a newborn. Seriously, amazing.

Not ranty! You're dealing with a lot on your plate, and having a doctor that's all judgey on you isn't helping matters. I have PCOS and Endometriosis so I knowwwww what it's like to carry extra weight and not see much of a difference because of different factors. And weight issues ALWAYS make you feel good, don't

And thank you for the support! :)

You know what I say to that? Get another doctor. I don't deny the merits of regular exercise/outdoor time, they can help tremendously. But I could only appreciate the little things like that once I was balanced and receiving proper care. Is this a GP or a mental health provider?

I'm so glad to hear your voice. You trying to understand your mama's journey is so kind, I hope you know that. I just wanted to say I'm so sorry for what you went through. I know you love her, but this must've just been exhausting over the years. I hope you're practicing self-care for yourself as well.

Thank you for the support. I'm so tired of the bullshit, and I'm glad to see so many others are as well.

I hear you on the job front. I'm looking for one myself, and it's fucking rough! I just think those are very different issues than what I was referring to. Still important, no doubt.

Thanks, friend. I appreciate the love.

You know what I think? I'm glad you failed. I'm glad you're still here. I'm glad you're still fighting, because I think you're important. I'm sure that doesn't necessarily help from a perfect stranger, but I mean it. And I'm so sorry your friend reacted that way. I think people get scared, don't understand what's

Now that I could see! I'm all for you doing with your body what you'd like to do, I just wonder about the thought process behind $12,500 for a single pet. But hey, you do you! :)

Your empathy is outstanding. And you know what? Fuck you. Take your bullshit elsewhere, because it's old and tired. Correct, they can Google, but if you're at the point where you can't get out of bed, how easy do you think it is to find a support group or a doctor? And why am I bothering trying to explain it to you,

You're so welcome. It feels like an epidemic to me. I'm so glad to see so many people reaching out.

You're welcome, friend. I know there are so many of us out here dealing with so many different issues in so many different ways.

SO glad you're getting some help, for me that was the hardest hurdle! And I know that quiet. I understand how loud that silence is. Being alone with your thoughts when your thoughts are unkind is such a battle. If you ever need to chat about anything, or just need to talk if the silence is too loud, please email me

Yes, a thousand times yes. I'm so, so glad you fought. I'm glad you're still here, and I love that Rob Delaney quote SO much.

Listen, I'm the only one in my family that was hit this hard, and at the time they tried their best to help. I knew they were coming from a good place, but I finally had to say, "if I don't go to a doctor and get some help, I'm going to admit myself to the hospital tomorrow. I'm scared I'm going to hurt myself." You

Thank you, thank you for that link. I was angry when I wrote the OP, and then lost my edit window to go back and add those links with important information. Wish I could move yours up to right below mine. That and this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_s…

Crisis phone lines for across the world.