
Is she a teen bride? Because she sure as hell sounds like she's 15. Grow up.

I have to agree with you here. It always seems like the options are School or Internet. At least give the parents a fighting chance.

Truth! Have a splendid day as well.

Haha, I honestly didn't get it at first because I took it too literally. I live in a major city in an apartment that doesn't allow animals, so I just kind of furrowed my brow in confusion. Also add to that fact that I slept about 4 hours last night so my brain is scrambled eggs as it is.

This is a really great conversation, actually. In this digital age, how do you get the word out about something you really support without looking like you're begging for money? I had some friends that got married a couple of years ago and were in the same position as you. Do we include this on our invites? No? There

Thank you, seriously! I love that you took the time to explain your thought process. Oh, and I know the cat is fine. Clearly, she wasn't giving that cat away, I just hate when people smack animals, it drives me crazy. As I said later, that cat kiiiiinda looks like an asshole anyway.

Oh, last night? No avenging at all, more of a genuine curiosity. I just wonder what drives people to troll around posts. If there's an actual motivation, or just a simple boredom, etc. I personally don't think trolling is super effective, because people just ignore or write them off as crazy, but I'm sure most trolls

Hahaha, I wasn't trying to burn you! I'm still confused as to why you're responding to me. Surely there are people to actually upset and get into actual arguments with. You started the conversation, so I'm continuing it. What's new with you? How's the weather? It's fucking great here for August!

Of all the posts on Jezebel to troll, you picked one from yesterday about an asshole cat and its asshole owner. I'm sure there are actual posts of merit to try and insult people over. Or wait, just threaten to insult...

Hmm...is that an insult? If it is, surely you could've done better than that, by at least trying to actually insult me. What does this even mean?

Fabulous! You did all the research so I didn't have to - I always hate that part of the process. I'll look forward to reading them tomorrow!

My silver Honda CR-V is named The Silver Fox®™ and he is a homosexual. He revealed this to me one morning VERY early on the way to work. I was opening the daycare where I worked and it was winter - he was unhappy about being up and running at 5:45AM. His check engine light was on, and as I was coming to a stop sign to

Oh my GOD! That's horrid! Okay, squirrels are banned.


That is HILARIOUS! Smart hens!


Ah, I see. Well, I would argue that what you view as man "hatred," is more along the lines of being incredibly frustrated, or tired of being objectified on the street, (some guy yelled at me last week "I WANNA FUCK YO TITTIES!" and that was utterly mortifying, come on) or just being outspoken about desiring equality.

Hahahaha, laughing so hard at the lunchbox.

[Insert squealing noise here!}

I am normally right there with you, sister. I have just grown weary of seeing the same demeaning and hateful comments on post after post after post. For some reason I had an extra ounce of patience tonight, so I used it. That and I'm genuinely curious about their motivation!