piece of crap

in Russia bear laser you!

I love the first sentence of your post.

Or, you can exercise with your partner!

I can smell this turd threw my phone . So do make a sex tape or have a fake marriage or get married a 2nd time 2 some egotistical piece of shit for another pub grab.


four chicks and "stacked them up like a sandwich" and went to town

I care about my girlfriend so much that I'll ignore the gym and even showering to be with her. I'm sure she appreciates it

Ladies, here's a tip for you: if you want a good man, pick a guy with a small gut. Because a guy who looks like the guys in those ads has to workout like five or six hours a day every day to look like that. Ladies, that's time he's NOT spending with YOU. A guy with a gut is someone who is focus more on his career

Bowling is a college sport?

There's a college world series?

Seriously? Vanderbilt wins the College World Series and gets no mention on Deadspin, but some guy's dick gets an entire story?

Kid, if you wanted to know what it's like to play for the Astros, you gotta suck balls, not lick 'em


Put your fucking phones down and actually experience the event!

The image, your username, just.... this is all so perfect.

need a snickers? You seem not yourself.