These thieves are obvious amateurs that will never be able to go pro.

its called shrooms , way 2 many . Or a huge drama queen.

erection ?


wow. It should have been an ejection.

I'm still for Johnny Brownball.

Is that a period joke? It sounds like a period joke.

Funny, a fishing trip is what ruined Bison Dele.

Go ahead and play that song in your work place. Give it a shot. We're talking about professionals attempting to do their jobs while this music plays in the background. While you are at work today I challenge you to play Tyga's music and see what sort of reaction you get, my guess it won't be a positive one.

As uncool as it seems to be to speak up against rap music, if players, media, and anyone else are uncomfortable, he might have a point.

Love at first sight

Pedestrian safety? forget that we'll just spear those pesky pedastrians

Somewhere, Donald Sterling smiles

360 degrees ain't what it used to be.

You're not the only one. These are awful.

This is hilarious.