i just call them ninja chasers now so people don't know that i used 2 call them nigg#r chasers. Brings back that nostalgia felling
i just call them ninja chasers now so people don't know that i used 2 call them nigg#r chasers. Brings back that nostalgia felling
I wouldn't argue with this man on this topic.....Hell this guy should know.....its in his damn name. If u would redo this list i would appreciate it good sir.
i agree with Dick Punch
That actually made me chuckle cuz i didn't expect a response kinda pissin in the wind but nice one didn't know my comments were google'able or however u spell that . Superman does kill people now, watch tha movie and Prince Fielder is really fat for a highly paid athlete that wont try 2 not be fat , those facts are…
Wow...O_o...u really broke down a 30min episode and reviewed it in such a gleeful admiration as if it was a remake of StarWars or something Maybe not that epic but Don't get me wrong thats what makes it one of the best reviews of a TV episode animated or not Ive ever read. I can actually tell u like the show as much…
Will be released in awesome and awesome 3d nerd overload . I'm goin nerd
It's an outdoorsy crack camp lighter or Arson kit. Or funny fart ignighter .
Yes this hardly happens and these bars that do serve popular players that bring crowds need 2 be stopped. And let it be known serving them will cause murders galore. While we're at it lets finally stop the 50% of bars that let 20yr old into bars cuz we all know that serving minors is wrong but throwing them into war…
Almost wrote itself
No three words . Gimme bottomless Pasta
So nice he posted it twice
Maybe he has 2 nachos would be better?
How dare u
u can tell when most of America doesn't care by the amount of comments or recommendations on most stories. Or maybe its our crapy comments..... discuss
People around him in him or near him need coaching though. And I mean weird unpleasesent coaching with assistance from an old crazy guy and a giant Nordic guy missing part of his brain.......Oh coach how i liked u....oh coach how did u win?
Don't they kinda swipe. Maybe Gator swipe.
Strictly speaking about the picture...did I miss Hernandez giving Tha bizz 2 Tebow or dare say kill'n him somewhat softly?
Long arms.... Maybe giving Tebow the reach around twice instead of catching 2 of his balls. Maybe it's context.....maybe its maybelline
Luck he got punched am I right? WhI knows he may still be on his list and now he's been fingered. .......not that kind.
Wow I finally googled it ..... and its says he's morbidly obese. And if he does live 2 the age of 45 I'm Superman and I kill people now. Shut up