How do you export Rock Band 2 songs into Rock Band 3? I've been trying to figure this out for the past week.
Rock Band 3. I'm gonna see if I can export the other Rock band songs into Rock Band 3
Is it just me or does Dennis Lenart sound like Tobey Maguire, or vice versa?
Yo no se.
I'm can't believe I'm gonna miss out on the Minecraft update. I have the game but I'm pretty sure that I won't get the update.
I was but when I saw that price, I said Damn.
I'm as old as the PS1 Hahahah. My birthday is to always be affiliated with the PS1 :P
Spyro and Crash Bandicoot 3. I was kinda young to ever witness the greatness that is the NES but I eventually got to play all the classics.
What are those 4 cooperative maps for? I'm pretty sure co-op play uses the same "maps" from the campaign. Zombies perhaps?
I don't know why but I kinda suck at this game. I mean, I don't have a tendency to block much and that has everything to do with not playing enough fighting games.This is still an awesome game though.
Since my PS3 broke, I've been playing Sly 3 and MVC2. Nothing like a little Sly in your life.
Goddamn it Ellen Page.
The Milo makes up for the Marmite.
Nothing, My PS3 decided to go "yellow" a while back. Sure I have a Wii but I haven't gotten a new game for that stupid little white box ever since I bought my PS3.
Why un-box on a roof? In New York City? In the Sun?
And in affiliation with the O.M.A studio, they will create one of the worst games ever to grace video games. Just as bad as E.T.
Should I wait for the Ps3 + Move Bundle or just get a PS3 right now? My Ps3 just broke for the second time and I am not willing to pay $100(?) for another crappy 40 gig PS3.
Kinect is such a stupid name. I would rather call it "Project Natal". It's like Move but at least that has one syllable.