
Definitely picking it up if the gameplay and story are good.

CoD:WaW and some Fat Princess. I might squeeze in a little RB2 playing in there somewhere.

I'm so retarded. I knew that a Slim PS3 was being made but I thought it would release around November. I sent my PS3 for repair about 3 weeks ago for the YLOD. I'm so stupid for not waiting and actually getting a new slim with 80 more gigs than my old PS3. Does this make me a retard, a bad person, or just plain stupid?

If my PS3 breaks again, you can best believe I'm getting this. I might get a 250 gb if i felt like it :) (Happy Fanboy!!!!!!!!!!!)

I will be playing Bioshock with my friend on his PS3. This is the only way I am able to play a video game. Sad, mean, or anything between those two is something you can tell me but not being able to play my PS3 for the rest of august just kills me. (It's the YLOD)

Question of the day: Ham or Spam?

Nothing, because my PS3 turned sour and game me a yellow light. This can't be karma because I drink Dr.Pepper :)

What can I do while my PS3 that has the YLOD? Nothing that involves some form of education, please?

So yesterday, my PS3 died on me (Yes, its the YLOD. FU and your yellow light). Now I ended up paying for that stupid Sony service and have to wait roughly 2 weeks to get another PS3 back. The worst part is that I miss out on Der Reise (NOOOOOOOOOOO). My life sucks. I guess I have to read that book that's mandatory for

Well, everyone expected this. Let's just hope they do it right with Backwards compatibility, SD/Memory Stick Slots, USB Slots, and the all important design of the machine itself. If the outcome turns positive, I might get one considering my PS3 might die out soon (The amount of heat from the back of my PS3 is insane,

I've been going back and forth between SF4, CoD: WaW, and Fat Princess so I say I'm a bit balanced.

I can't wait for Mothership Zeta but I have a PS3 so I still have to wait for a long time. :(

I picked up SF4 a couple of days ago, ($20, YESSS). When I tried to fight online, I learned that I'm worse then the average player. To give you an idea of how terrible I suck, my record is 4 wins out of 62 games. My question is can I do anything to help me get better other than already practicing?

Does this mean we're finally catching up to Japan with there different colored controllers and consoles?

I've been waiting and praying and it finally happen. Thank You God!!! :)

Does anybody still play the PSP? Mine's broke a while back but I still think about getting another one. What do you think I should do? I'm also gonna get a game with it so, if you say I should get one, what game should I get?

This is so wrong. I wonder why developers do this. It messes with almost every gamer who plays this game. It would kinda make sense if Ryo Akizuki was an awesome hologram but she (he?) isn't.

This isn't much of a shock. Every game can be hacked. This is just another one of those games. I wonder if he decided to go through the game before hacking it.

Smart move by Media Molecule. It'll help with sales of the game and the included DLC is just a bonus for those late-comers who decided to wait a while.

It looks great and I would go get it but, to me, it will be another game I will play for a month and then put it down. That's what happened to my LBP but since my summer vacation kinda sucks so I'm gonna be getting back to LBP. :)