
Winter Storm Georgia O’Keefe

Yep. But I did laundry and actually put it away before everything was covered in wrinkles, so I took that as a sign to sit around the rest of the weekend.

And she looks great. Fuck ‘em.

I don’t know what their custody arrangement is, but I just want to leave you this for future Christ on a cracker needs.

May he.

Yep. Just saw people yesterday talking on Facebook about how terribly middle eastern countries treat women and how we shouldn’t accept refugees. And all I could think was, “Yeah, because we don’t have assholes who hate women and terrorize them in this country.” And then this. For once, I wish I was wrong. But even

This is Terrorism and I would not be surprised if this garbage was born in the USA.

I’m torn between really wanting a Patti LaBelle pie, and not wanting to break my streak of not shopping at Wal-Mart.

“McCarthy also wondered why actors engaged in kissing scenes weren’t required to disclose their HIV status.”

This is the only thing I think of when a female comedy writer from the 60’s comes up:

Trump protesters chanting “USA” before the Trump supporters think of it—beautiful. Just....mmmmmuah. Beautiful.

“We do not condone domestic violence. We just enable it.”

I know a lot of people don’t like this show, I get that. But I love it. It’s depressing as fuck, which doesn’t help with my depression. But the performances, the subject matter, the small bits of hope, the realness of it just makes the show really powerful.

don’t squirrels carry it? i remember a story about squirrels carrying a plague of some kind. god damn squirrels. just rats with bushy tails... YA DONT FOOL ME SQUIRRELS!!

he now celebrates the most vaunted bro tradition of all: being handed a job for which he is unqualified and unprepared.

he joined a fraternity (which is basically the bro equivalent of a menarche)

No one is winning right now. They’re just campaigning. I’m a Bernie fan and will vote for him in the primary. I hope I’ll get to vote for him in the general election. But if Hillary does win the primary, for the sake of all that is decent in this country, we need to support her. There is not one single republican