Squirrels are dicks.
Squirrels are dicks.
Just don't piss off this panda.
It was so sweet and it made me miss them both.
I don't know why people are complaining that the Jan and Phil short wasn't funny. It wasn't supposed to be. Also, it was one of their favorite memories from the show.
This was delightful!
That scotch egg - without a breath of sarcasm - looks fucking amazing.
Man, Morrissey's lyrics are just getting poppier and poppier.
Aziz, to Letterman Monday night: "My girlfriend has influence on me. She's a big feminist. That made me think about…
Let's not make fun of mental illness, please.
Dang! You will be much missed!
I cannot wait for Yes Please! I loved Bossypants and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?, and I've been looking forward to another female comedic memoir. Fingers crossed Amy Poelher narrates the audiobook!
She is a delight.
I don't really follow celebrity stuff, but I watched 70s show. This made me squee a bit.
Oh, I had such a mad crush on the boy down the street - every now and then we would make out and stuff but we were never like a couple or anything. Then there was Billy Idol and this is how we tie those two things together. I had an injury, quite possibly the stupidest of all of my stupid injuries ever- the only…
The War of the Roses.
Jas and Ness Rose... Amber Rose... Peter Rose-nberg... all connected, you see? WAKE UP AMERICA.