... I fail to see the difference.
... I fail to see the difference.
Well you got me there. Then hmmm. How about..."A good games needs time and a talented dev team in order to become a good stew."
We saw the first trailer last year, so considering Nomura is working on this game, we can assume it will eventually be ported to the PS5. We should also expect a demo for 2019.
You know what would be even more fun, put them in their own Ab-Normal League, a matchmaking system made up of only toxic players. Then they just have to be civil with other toxic players for a number of games and then they can come back. I think this would be be the ultimate test.
At least he doesn't make a jab at me in this post.
Could be worse:
Must be a young crowd some of these are fairly recent anime. I would have expected Dragonball and some of the older anime to be higher. For me in the US, Dragonball and Trigun were what did it for me. I'm having trouble getting into the new anime except for Attack on Titan, I dunno what genre to look for. I'm a fan of…
Looks like Resident evil, but shitty...
seriously, i've delayed rewatching this series for 6 years waiting on a true HD release. i am salivating.
Don't forget Nintendo = kids, and PC = master race.
Seeing as it has CoD: Ghosts in the corner I think 'Shit Dick' is a pretty accurate title.
If you play games for achievements, collectibles, and trophies, you aren't the real audience for anything other than Pokemon and its clones.
PS3. PS3 supported MP4, but not MKV, which greatly limited its ability to playback user generated media. With the PS3 Media Server or any DLNA server with transcoding, the computer did the heavy lifting and converted the file to a format supported by the PS3 (in most cases, MPEG-2).
Hahaha, DocSeuss talking about Sony again.
"Weeping, Zhuge Liang kicked Ma Su in the balls."
The quote in the header image is the kind of shit that makes me scream bloody murder when playing a Bethesda game.
Looks like fun!
Where does this sense of entitlement come from? Very few MMOs let you carry over characters.
Obviously. Digimon are the far superior Mon.