
It's people like you who are the real heroes. Taking time out of your day to add your opinion and partial critique to the things that truly don't matter to you, or matter that much on the grand scale.

You are kidding youself if you think you are getting console game half price a month after release. You are reading to many article on pc gaming. But it's nice to know you would pay twice as much for the same amount of play time just so you can say you own it.

Japanese Social Justice = Don't be mean and respect people's privacy

Eh? I think you're confused. Are you not aware about how pissed off people get by those that take up more seats than they need? Is this actually a new thing to you? I suggest you look it up.

Instead of being a huge fucking prick about it, like every entitled little shit on these sites is anytime any Big Faceless Company does anything, how about applauding them for stepping up to the plate and saying "We don't think the way everyone has been trending towards doing things lately is the right way to do

how dare they use the words "exclusive console debut" to describe a game that will debut exclusively on their console.

Please tell me this leads to a full-length Team Fortress movie.

These look great, but they're so... specific and sluggish that they could never be implemented. For example the movement animations had to slow the player down for them to look natural, and moving through HL2 at that speed would have SUCKED.

>because it is ten years old.

Little Timmy was suspended for 52 weeks. The difference between 5 and 2 is 3.

The six-word horror story.

I don't think Valve would mind. On the other hand, ...

I'm assuming you didn't get the joke? Or are you just messing with us?

This isn't even my final form.

Still not as cool as this:

Even at the risk of cutting your eyes on the Wii's spectacularly lo-res graphics, those would be 80 very well spent hours. As for the money, not that I have looked but are you sure you can't find a copy for much less, even if it is preowned?

Gamers talk shit about console competition, perpetually, 24 fucking hours a day.

I honestly don't know what else Sony is going to pull from under the rug to make this even more one-sided than it already is against MS.