My TV is centered to the height of my eyes...I don't hold my controller up there.
Is the Wii U's unique offering really living up to expectations? It doesn't seem to make much of a big difference now that actual games have been coming out, certainly not more than what would be possible with the touch pad on the PS4's controller. I guess if you really dig being able to play on a miniature screen…
...because not everyone likes being a pussy.
From 2005-2013, I was a hardened 360 fanboy. PC and PS3? Please! Who needed such things? Everything I ever needed was on the 360. It had Halo! And Fable 2!
The original comic book that the silly Saturday morning cartoon was based on would likely disagree with you.
Don't want to date myself here or anything, but every time I see a children's toy/game of which I don't immediately understand the appeal.... I say in the back of my head "Pogs." And then I just let it go.
both you guys get a star
So when are they going to start filling the holes with Xbones?
Killing yourselves over video game playing or internet usage, all cultural differences aside is pathetic and stupid. Their fault that they died, nobody else's.
It CANNOT be that hard. Take Dead Space, replace all enemies with various Xenomorphs, throw in some familiar names and locations and voila, MONEY.
Should I believe the hype, as the stupid ad has told me many times whenever I want to read an article here?
If Nintendo bought Oculous, that's when I'd personally say the Oculous died.
Welcome to CoD and Xbox Live.
Dr. Nerdlove: Making sure nobody makes your game... stop.
I'm here all week, try the fish!