
We got about 2 or 4 new Ghibli movies on blu ray a year in the US. ....so hopefully soon we get Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away on blu ray in America!

I bought the Japanese Blu ray of, Princess Mononoke, when it came out in Japan last month. ....Worth every penny.

I'm with you on this. I don't want to dig out my 360 just to play this demo, even though I'm really looking forward for this game. Not because I'm lazy, but because I don't want to have to BUY a Gold membership just to play a demo.

Eh. I'm really looking forward for this game, and also have my 360 put away and don't want to dig it out just to get this demo. It's not just that I'm lazy, but I would also have to BUY a Gold membership again just to play the demo.

Just what my Vita needs!


Wow! It's great to see Denver, the last Dinosaur! ....None of my friends remember this.

You realize Batman games used Unreal Engine 3, right? It's not the same as the first gen Unreal Engine, and that one is only 14 years old. ....If you wanted to use an example of an old Engine still doing amazing graphics then you should of mentioned Steam's Source engine.

I went to get Hotline Miami for 2.50, but it says it's 9.99?

Didn't ban it, but had the option to not play the mission

It's all good to me as long as they don't use dubstep anymore.

Thank you for all of these!

I'm really disappointed it isn't cr0ssbuy as well.

If we apply your logic about CoD and Halo then all the Mario, Zelda , and Metroid games after the first are just crummy remakes. After Mario 1 it ain't that great.

There was 47. It's just one of them, Terasaka Kichiemon, left to deliver a message that the revenge was completed and wasn't there when the other 46 committed seppuku.

The voice actor of David is Nolan North. Who also voices Nathan Drake from Uncharted.

Which is the title of the book it was based off of.

I know, right? I'm pretty sure PS4/XboxOne are going to out sale the Wii U this holiday.