
Wait. Nick Denton writes his own speeches?

Perhaps — what with not living inside Ryan Lambert's butthole — they simply did not realize he posted it first?

I never knew much about fire ants until I moved to Texas. They are everywhere here, and very difficult to remove. There are very few consumer-grade options that kill them. Instead, you're really just relocating their nests from one spot to another. For most of the summer everyone is just working at pushing their fire

+1. Roberts on top of his game is probably the best talker in the history of wrestling.

What you need to understand about Austin is that no one in Austin is actually from Texas. Everyone in Austin is from Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo and Pittsburgh. So there are actually a lot of hockey fans here. We're just too busy ruining all the nice things about Austin with our terrible middle class gentrification to

ESPN First Take (the show he is on) is the one who was quoting it, so it stands to reason he knew about it or at least said it. :)

So not exactly just turning around and swinging indiscriminately...

I wish Pat Kaleta would have boarded the massive straw man in your post so that no one had to read it, ever.

Right. When I moved to Texas, I immediately unlearned all the things I ever learned before that point, because logic.

Yes, this. I don't understand why it is *ever* acceptable to hit a play square in the back in hockey. Then we get to rely on the always accurate judgement of intent.

This is just the wrongest wrong that's ever wronged.

I live in Austin, we're looking at mid-80s today, but you probably could see that from your position atop Mount Jackass.

Now playing

^ This happened about a half hour later in the same game. Girardi received a 2-minute minor. You tell me which is the more violent, dirty hit.

This sounds like a lot of work. I think I'll just lay in my own filth and be mad at Lance Armstrong some more.

When you have the ability to postpone something that might increase suffering to a time when the suffering will be less so, you do it. The NFL, the two teams, and the fans all have the ability to make an ethical decision over a financial one, in which both the football game could be played (at a later time) and the