
So, I know the eye-rolling for some people is going to start. But let me just say: This was not the time or place for this sort of thing. There could potentially be a time and a place for this sort of thing, but it’s NOT at an event associated with professional endeavors, even in the gaming industry. It’s not okay.

Here’s mine!!! I had so many different ones, but I thought this was the best.

I studied Shuri-Ryu Karate and Okinawan Judo for about ten years—and yes, in demos, you are more or less always expecting that your partner will go with the technique. That’s primarily so that you can demonstrate how the technique -should- look to the audience without potentially harming your partner; you’re not

Aaaand THERE’s the Captain N reference I came here for. From an 80's kid, you have my thanks.

He did the one thing capcom wasn’t willing to do. Put in some effort.

GilvaSunner? Is this the same guy who made the SilvaGunner account, who repeatedly got banned for having his account full of Final Fantasy music?

Destruction Derby/Demolition Racer was awesome

I’m guessing the folks behind Legends were completely blindsided by this, because I received an email from them just Friday hyped about their new update. Poor blokes.

Pretty sure this wins.

Seriously? It’s a jump from 2D to 3D. A fundamental revolution in the way the game’s characters and world are portrayed.

Given his background (genetic experiment) I’d imagine they were going for the latter there

(S)He thinks the NX, A console not even officially announced, or named, will be released this year. even though Nintendo has a history of announcing a console and releasing the following year. which would also be more inline with most Nintendo console life spans (mostly excluding the aberrant Wii)

I’m the Hamburglar! Thanks for including me :)

I am the Winter Soldier Cosplayer. My DeviantArt account name is Kaizoku501. Thank you for featuring me in your article!

The Ulala from Space Channel 5 is Maki Roll.

Don’t forget this one