Couldn’t watch the simpsons in new york episode forover 5 years
Couldn’t watch the simpsons in new york episode forover 5 years
I just scroll down here and do the math in my head
I’ld guess the other half of that time spent was the white pokeball logo spinning.
and samurai jack
So did final fantasy 1.. and 10.
Ditto’s are only found in Labs.
Sounds like that dumb csi fake kidnapping episode to create drama :/
I watched a kid pick up a cap capri sun drink today shove it in his mouth an the parent took it off him an re-shelved it :/
Valor, Mystic or Instinct?
As long as it has buttons
yeah, we’re not apex in the water.
“one of the most annoying pranks on the internet”
What i’ve heard, is this game runs off the code from one of Niantic other games called “Ingress” and if you download that game it shows these white orbs on a map and when you see a cluster, it dual works as a high density pokemon hotspot on the Go app.
I assume no online and i am alone?.