
Jezebel is kind of a joke. I get that spaces to report on feminist issues, women's issues, gender issues, etc. are needed and welcome, but when it's just article after article of body snarking, mountains out of molehills and bad "journalism" (are any of the Jezebel writers journalists, or are they just glorified

I would think memorizing pi's digits would be more of a 22/7 activity...

Look, the problem with Jezebel science reporting is different than the problem that most other media outlets face when it comes to science reporting. Usually the problem is that the reporter is inept at deciphering a scientific study and thus presents it is a misguided manner. The problem with Jezebel is far more

Oh lord, that first question is so horribly familiar. I was "that" person with the ever-lasting crush on a close friend back in college, and the whole situation sucked on many levels. I acted like a complete moron and in retrospect I wish he had just cut me off a lot sooner than he did. Mooning after that guy, who I

Regarding best friends who want to bone you: It really depends on the individual. In high school I was a boy who was too timid to ask girls out so I got into intense friendships with girls I semi-secretly wanted to be dating rather than just friends with. For me, it was awful. I was always sad I couldn't find anyone

Precisely. We should not encourage either behavior.

The interpretation is wrong. It's a cross section of different ages, not a longitudinal study of people's interests as they grow older. What we know is that people who are currently in their 20s and 30s are more interested in videogames than people currently in their 50s and 60s. Will people that are currently in

Uh, I hate to say it, but you can't call something "controversial" just because Kotaku doesn't like it. This is not a story. The original "article" of yours was a video with a snarky comment. and now you're trying to turn this molehill into Mount Everest just because the artist made a snarky comment back at you.

I'm conflicted.