
Kinja Scroll.

Yellow-shirt kid is my new personal hero.

Whenever I see these types of articles I go in expecting to see specific dance moves. Never disappointed haha.

Yeah, this.

This may be good for Beckham and will be cheaper than a shrink.

What’s with all of the flair on the cops uniform?



Kinja-ta Carter

I know some people who take days to reply to emails and it drives me crazy.

Leadership here. I check my emails as soon as I wake up in the morning (Get my work emails to my phone).

Damn this looks amazing.

Kinja Gaiden

Now that’s a nice catch right there. Wasn’t sure what the song was about.

So true.

I think it was throw us off and keep us thinking that Rose wasn’t in on the shenanigans.

Someone on a forum I go to pointed out how Rose’s defense of Chris to the cop in the beginning was a clue that something wasn’t right due to her not wanting the cops to have a record that Chris was out there since.... well.. you know.