Steak. It’s what’s for dinner.
Steak. It’s what’s for dinner.
What do you mean when you have to have your passport and visa? Does that mean they check your immigration status and will deport you if your are illegally in the country? That’s outrageous.
Certain states already require training and licensing. Homeowner insurance already covers most accidental shootings.
Actually there are over 300 million guns in the US, so that drops that down even more.
And a lot of Asians going to prison. Why don’t you see a lot of Asians in prison, because if when we fuck up, our parents would beat the crap out of us with a chicken feather duster and/or bamboo back scratcher. There are always spares around the house in case they broke while you are getting beaten.
If you remove the major cities like Chicago, NYC, Baltimore, and DC out of the equation, gun deaths fall to typical averages among nations. So the problem lies in the major cities. And in today’s news, London murders just exceeded NYC and they were using knives not guns.
10% of car accident fatalities are caused by teenagers. We should raise the limit on the driving age too.
I miss my LGT wagon too.
Yes, the President can authorize military action and get involved in conflicts, but that’s not war.
Those children volunteered to go kill people. That’s why their training revolves around killing people. If you had issues against killing people, then don’t volunteer for the military.
It’s a volunteer military. People volunteer to join the military to go kill people. They train you on killing people. What’s wrong with having them do their job?
Go ahead, enact it. Won’t do anything because someone didn’t pay attention in their government class. The president can’t declare war, only congress can declare war.
Clark was never running from the police. He was already running through backyards and hopping fences in his neighborhood headed to his home. The police were not chasing him.
Does it really matter how many shots they fired? If the first round killed him, does the 2nd round make him deader? 20 rounds into him isn’t going to make him less dead. Statistically, cops are 1 in 10 on putting rounds on target.
There should be restrictions on bomb making materials. You should have to pass a background check to buy the stuff. They need a minimum age to buy bomb making materials. They need to pass a law for a bomb free safe zone.
Until the regenerative braking fails due to over heating, then you are really screwed. That’s what happens if you drive a Tesla hard on a track.
Simple, when you have someone not complying with your commands of putting their hands up and you can’t see their hands, you treat them as a threat. If the hands do anything other than slowing reaching for the sky, in the half second, you decide if you get to go home tonight or not. Half second to decide if you might…
That’s because soldiers are expendable. They are the pawns of the chess game. You use them as bait.
So far they have said the person did not use a crosswalk. So if she stepped out into the street without looking, and the distance to the car was too short, the car would not have been able to stop in time. The car wouldn’t be at fault.