We need to have bomb free safe zones, background checks for bombs, smaller capacity metal pipes...
We need to have bomb free safe zones, background checks for bombs, smaller capacity metal pipes...
F1 was designed as a road car with no intentions of ever racing it, until a customer paid the R&D to make it into a race car. But it did have a lot of compromises since they didn’t hit a few of their design goals.
1. Convicted felons are prohibited in owning firearms at the federal level.
Guess the HuffPost doesn’t actually read the bills.
It would be easier just to let cops shoot them like this.
The only way you can truly ban guns is to violate everyone’s 4th amendment rights and go door to door and search and tear apart everyone’s houses for guns. Gun registration has only been around for the last quarter of a century. You used to be able order a Tommy gun from the Sears catalog.
Read the accident report WPR17FA101. The review the data and flight video. He went into a canyon, increased power to climb out, then initiated a 180 degree turn, then crashed. Based on the flight manual, it wouldn’t have been able to climb out of that canyon.
Running out of air is always a bad thing.
This happens everywhere. If you look at the FAA registry, you’ll find that surprisingly Delaware and Florida are two very popular states to register airplanes. Most states have about 5000-6000, yet the tiny state of Delaware has 11,000. Delaware is also where both Trump and Clinton have shell corporations registered…
Continuing to do what journalist do best, taking thing out of context.
It’s not the first time Ferrari has threaten to quit and yet they are still in F1.
For long trips, we put a disposable changing pad on the car seat.
What, you never heard of the term “moving at the speed of government”?
Even if they ran 3 shifts, the production rate is still determined by the part cycle time of an injection mold. You can’t get a $100,000 mold made overnight either.
No thanks on V2V. I don’t want to give cops another tool to determine my speed as I’m going over the speed limit.
Because infidels have to die.
So Home Depot charges $19 for the first 75 minutes and $5 for every 15 minute after. I wonder if they will continue charging it to his credit card? I don’t think he’ll get back is $50 deposit.
Even the Clinton News Network is saying he shouted Aloha Snackbar.
Pretty pathetic calling it a van when the cited article calls it a truck. I guess bloggers don’t even read their own stuff.
Even that is more expensive as they ban more and more drugs. It gets more expensive to find drugs that are not banned and undetectable.