You are more than welcome to pay the old rates. You don’t have to take the cuts if you don’t want to.
You are more than welcome to pay the old rates. You don’t have to take the cuts if you don’t want to.
H&R Block, Turbo Tax, these companies contribute millions to campaign funds to ensure the tax code is as complicated as possible.
These so called journalist, most likely failed math. Don’t complicate things with things like numbers and percentages. They don’t understand that. Trump’s ______ is bad. End of story.
And they tell my neighbors what they can and can’t do with their houses. It’s AWESOME. The rule that requires residents to park only in their driveway and garage, but not on the street is great. My wife’s old house was in the next community (non-HOA) and you could never park in front of her house because between 3…
Gladly pay to not have neighbors who are a nuisances. I like looking at houses that have manicured lawns. I like being able to drive down streets without cars parked every where.
Unfortunately bureaucracy exists not just this country. One local fire fighter took his own initiative to go to Mexico to help with extracting people out of buildings. He said if he ask to help, he would still be sitting on his butt waiting for Mexican officials to give him the okay to head down there.
That includes armed security guards because the local PD doesn’t really cover the area. They actually show up in under 15 minutes when you need them to deal with something trivial, unlike the local PD that may show up anywhere from 2 hours to never. My main reason is the access to the clubhouse which includes a full…
The more you pay HOA’s, the more a-holes they become. Mine is pretty good at $71/month. All they complain about is parking on the too narrow streets and making sure your front yard is kept up, and fences painted the correct color.
How come no one complains that many federal buildings are racist too? I recently had to go to the Social Security Office, they wouldn’t let me in without ID.
So in other words, Tesla was so keen on getting the car released, they didn’t actually finish designing the car. So you end up getting a car that is not quite complete, and they’ll give you the updates as they finish them. Right...
A single Camloc can FOD out an engine.
I’m not an arm chair engineer. I’m an actual mechanical engineer who has conducted bird strike testing against helicopter parts.
The only armor is the pilot’s seat. Helicopters are not armored. If they were, they wouldn’t get off the ground.
S-92 is based on a Blackhawk, those blades are $500K EACH. They are replaced in pairs.
Nope. The skins of helicopters are pretty thin. The FAA bird strike test is to shoot a 2.2 lbs (1 kg) bird at the 1.1 VNE of the helicopter. Blackhawk is about 240 mph. I’ve done a couple birdstrike tests at a lower speed about 190 mph, and it is violent. It turns the pulverizes the bird. It’ll easily go through the…
Lower courts never addressed the law especially the 9th circus. The supreme court said as it is the law stands, and they will look at it in October as to whether the president has the right based on law.
Currently the law is on Trump’s side since Congress gave the power to the President. Overturning the law would provide chaos until Congress passes a new law to determine who has the power to control immigration.
Not when you are busy texting with your phone down by your lap so the chippies can’t see it.
The stationary object was also in the middle of a bend in the road. Plus LA drivers just don’t pay attention.