
Cutting the Blue Angels is all political. By the rules of the sequester, the military is suppose to reduce their budget by about 6% across the board, evenly distributed among all the departments. This would mean the Blue Angels budget would have been reduced to about $26M, not $0.

Speeding is attributed to around 14,000 deaths per year in the US. The government needs to mandate speed limiters on all cars to prevent people from speeding, which is illegal. There should also be a limit on horsepower. No one needs a 300 hp car. You don't even need half that amount to break the law. All that

If a teacher wants to carry concealed, why shouldn't they. No one would know which teacher is carrying. That is the whole point of conceal carry. Right now there are 8.8 million permits issued. That's 3 out of 100 people carry. They go about their everyday life without anyone knowing that they carry and that is

If cars were banned, we wouldn't have crazy people trying to kill other people with cars.

I work in aerospace, each new item of electronics installed on an aircraft has to be tested to RTCA DO-160. Just the electrical portion of the test will run around $30,000. EVERYTHING gets tested, push-button switch, warning light, cockpit flashlight, glass cockpits, electric motors, EVERYTHING. United got the FAA