It seems like you are speaking for a whole lot of people that don't exist.
It seems like you are speaking for a whole lot of people that don't exist.
When a group of angry, horrible human beings ban together under the cloud of anonymity, no shits are given who the target is - as long as they can target people indiscriminately. Dehumanization is easy when you don't give a shit who the people are reading your screen. Calling people out as 'General group idiots' and…
Why wouldn't it make sense?
I never suggested it was only exclusive to Japan. If that is the tone of my post, it was because the conversation is about Gaga being photographed in Japan. Were she to meet the same resistance in China or Korea, I would've made the same point as well.
Because why can't Link be a girl? Link just reincarnates every game. Reincarnation knows no gender.
That's such bullshit and you know it. Whoever responded by posting rape and gore gifs on a safe space for many women is the lowest of the low. I mean, really. What's the point? Giggles? Attention? Knowing you are ruining someone's day?
I disagree. I know that the shittier japanese people in Japan are very anti-Korea, to the point that kids who were originally born in Korea and raised in Japan make an effort to disguise their Korean ancestry. Someone who doesn't understand the weird culture warfare between them is more likely than not to receive…
You can't with Kinja. An easier thing to do is just be a decent person and think before you post.
I am diagnosed with depression as well and I've also dealt with suicidal thoughts when I do not take medication. People don't understand that depression often twists peoples minds to the point they sincerely believe their own suicide actually helps loved ones- sure it might hurt them earlier, but your ongoing issues…
Your straw men arguments, ignorant opinions and imaginary enemies are what triggered me.
I care because I'm tired of selfish, asinine behavior promoting BS opinions that have nothing to do with the original post. I'm not going to sit here silently and read your stupid comments, not when I can respond and point out just how ludicrous and off topic they are.
I'm calling you out on being a troll. ALA someone who tries to derail an ongoing conversation / topic / post in order to get attention on any level, because for whatever reason, they aren't getting attention in alternative, positive ways.
Its not that easy to acquire a state ID. Especially if you live in a rural area and its very hard / impossible for you to take any amount of time off work in order to go to a facility where acquiring an ID is possible (Insane waits at the DMV, etc) especially when you taking time off work may cost you your job.
These 'retarded tumblr whales' don't exist. So you are hijacking a post and mocking people that don't exist for... attention? Just calling you out on it.
Very telling that the only patriarchy tumblr esque reply to emerge from this post is yours mocking a straw man that doesn't exist.
wow. Someone has nothing better to do but insult for no reason. Unless you really just want Patricia's attention and the only way you can think to do that is by treating her like dirt.
Love is the liberation of suffering, but requires suffering to exist - just as you need material for the concept of immaterial to exist, etc.
Absolutely not. Its existence depends upon the concept of suffering. You need suffering for there to be love.
There are many definitions of love.