
Good lord. That’s like saying looking in someone’s window is legal, as you sit in a tree on their property, commenting to a man on the sidewalk saying “I’m doing the same thing. It’s just a different location”.

Yeah, they could have gotten the same thing from anywhere else, which is why they consistently taped from the same areas, being sure not to wear Pats logos or to cover them up so as not to be seen.

You Pat’s believers are amazing.

If you hate this type of stuff, then you need to live in a neighborhood that has an HOA, so they can regulate what everyone does with their own property. Live in an area where you are told what you can and can’t do with your home.

My uncle lives next to a wealthy scientist who keeps a mobile lab in his driveway. It’s huge, and it’s not a big deal, and the guy is classy as hell.

Still, no one has answered: WHY is it hurting the neighbors? HOW is it hurting the neighbors? What the fuck does a trailer do to aggravate the neighbors so much? They have to look at it? That’s their fucking problem?

I own a house, and I don’t understand. Fences are infinitely more ugly (most fences, not all) than a clean, white trailer in a driveway. Some people have 6ft fences or higher that block even more sight lines than a trailer ever would.

How is this “wall of white” any different than having to look at a tall fence that thousands of people put up around their property all the time? I’d say the trailer actually blocks less line-of-sight than a high fence does. If you’re that into the aesthetics of your sight lines created by neighbors (on their property

I love MMA, and even I agree with this. Kotaku? Really?

Here’s a non-hot take: You’re an idiot.

Thank you. I’m not white either, and my group has been called a posse before (usually in a friendly or sarcastic way) and I’ve used and heard the word a million times as well. I can’t ever remember it having a modicum of racist tilt.

Also, almost every famous person, of any color, has been used with the word “posse” - even Trump.

It’s scary that 79 people agreed with you that when Phil said “posse” it was mildly race related. Replace it with “crew”, “crowd” or “throng” and it would sound just the same - racist if you want it to be racist.

It’s not, unless you want to fire back in the media and you are in the public eye wanting to shame someone who you feel has thrown shade your way.

Yeah, no shit. It seems like people are down on it just because they think it’s a gimmick and they don’t want to be “tricked” into liking it. I grew up on Lamb of God and similar bands, and I rather enjoyed the guitar and energy of this Babymetal song. I’m not in love with it, but the energy from the musicians was

To many of us old school gamers (I’m talking all the way back to 8bit Nintendo games and later) this “difficulty” isn’t a revolutionary idea. This is not a knock on the Souls games - I love what they do and how they do it - but many of your older games were infuriating, not fair and almost impossibly difficult. With

I’d be smiling while chucking - maybe even having a lighthearted conversation with some passerby about the lovely weather. How can I be upset while at a petting zoo?!

Watch that video. He seems like he’s slurring his words, too. It just seems weird.

No, not having a tantrum at all. I’d chuck you in there with the rest of them.

Maybe they just hate purple, and like shooting it in the face?