Chuck Blazer Took Bribes for World Cup Votes
Chuck Blazer Took Bribes for World Cup Votes
The first place a vegetable goes for his news is, of course, The Onion.
Imagine the HUNDREDS OF HOURS required to sift through his garbage on a DAILY basis and recover the THOUSANDS of sheets of paper with all the tweets he has sent out over the years. Mind you, much of it HAD BEEN SHREDDED and you’d have to PAINSTAKINGLY tape them all back together to make any sense of the mess.
Because golf claps and mild cheering are exactly what the home team is looking for. Sure, swinging a full size bath towel like an idiot and taking out kid’s corneas is over the top, but this guy (carrying a small towel) is exactly what makes a home crowd an advantage.
She does suck, but Towel Guy also needs to realize you swing a hand towel, not a full size fucking bath towel or anything close to that size.
I keep picturing the missile from that other gif hitting the floor right at Joey’s feet and he goes flying.
How you can watch the play tonight and think it’s dirty is beyond me. He was going down, and no amount of scrambling on his part was going to change where he landed. It wasn’t like the other night when he made a decision to dive towards the ball and Korver’s legs.
We must be missing a joke or pun somewhere. Must be...
This was so randomly weird, that it was great.
“Brotastic” is perfect for the “What the FUCK!?!!” responses so often found here.
“Well what am I going to do with my pitchfork now?”
My buddy had a garage out back at his place where he worked on his race car. One time I was over there shootin the shit with him and he told me about a lady who asked him if he could look at her car. She was having issues with her engine and was told by someone that “her engine probably needed oil.” Well, she put oil…
Just wanted to add, I think chugging potions is fine during battle (if we are to believe that a bottle of juice can heal you, why not have a few “emergency” small flasks of it during a battle that you can chug with one hand? It seems it would be irresponsible as an adventurer not to).
I like this idea. I think this would be a nice addition to the highest difficulty level.
Tip #2 should be: Don’t get mad that consoles are another part of gaming these days, and publicly pout like a grandiose elitist when ever they are included in an article/game/whatever.
It’s like watching two douche-bags get in a fight outside the bar - you don’t care who wins, but it sure is entertaining to watch them beat the snot out of each other.
Holy crap, this is good.
I’m not a fan of Deadspin “scoops” oftentimes, but this is a good one. Walsh was/is HUGE at ESPN and was responsible for a significant portion of their success. Your comment is ignorant.
Nothing has ever been more true