
Trump is incapable of dealing with a woman his age on a level playing field when she doesn’t work for him, sleep with him, isn’t in a bikini, and is smart and capable. He just has no idea how to deal with her - so he doesn’t. He attacks Bill, who’s a man. Now he can attack Obama. He is attacking AROUND her because he

This is kinda like that time my ex brought my ex best friend that he fucked while we were married as his date to a wedding where we were both mutual guests. But worse?

Nonsense. She is mean spirited first and foremost. Chalking up every form of assholery to “mental illness” is both hugely insulting to people who are mentally ill and a weak justification for the bad behavior of a nasty, homophobic bigot. Ms. Banks needs to slither back under her rock.

Being a female POC isn’t a “get

+1 dollar bill

“Our culture is filled with bars and strip clubs on every corner.”

Title Nein

If you’re asking whether a Christian organization is taking money from its believers, I think you already know the answer.

You know it’s bad when “maybe he’s just smuggled a ton of cocaine” is the most comforting explanation for something.

The most upsetting thing about this story is that he brought a bunch of bananas to snack on in the plane. That smell would have made me hurl all over the place.

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

“It affects no one”

Cultural appropriation is when a dominant group takes something (clothing, hairstyle, food, spiritual practice, etc) from a non-dominant group, removes the context, and uses it for their own purposes. There is often also an effort to prevent the non-dominant group from accessing the same cultural thing, whether by

It’s “cultural appropriation” when you’re taking from someone else’s culture to do what you will with it; from a culture foreign to your own — issues arise usually when something appropriated is used wildly out of context. In this case, the designer is of Indian heritage, so it isn’t being culturally appropriated.

The other cool ass toy when I was a kid was “Creepy Critters.” You squeezed stuff out of a bottle into these little molds that went onto a heating device that solidified the goop into little rubber bugs that popped out when they were cool. It was so fun because of all the different colors you could use to make your


This guy is Owen Labrie in 25 years.

I agree. If they wanted to write and include the note to her- fine. But posting it publicly is crossing boundaries/ a bit of a violation to me. Not cool.

I’m a little surprised to be feeling so much “Nope” over this.

NBC= No Black Champions?

Don’t ever go on the NJ turnpike. I think the troopers think the signs that say 95 are the speed limit, not the road number.