
I think that’s a real divide between religious/atheist people. I used to visit my friend’s grave, but I really didn’t know what to do with myself, I mean...she was already gone. The only thing I could think of was maybe leaving flowers so her mom knew I didn’t forget her?

To paraphrase the Holocaust “survivor” Eli Weisel, author of the iconic memoir “Night,” in his response to a woman who expressed her guilt at feeling sad and depressed over trivial things, as her suffering could never match Weisel’s, he essentially told her this...”we all have our own pain, which fills us to the brim.

Women are very experienced in cleaning up blood so we get away with it more often.

I was with you until the part about throwing the gavel at his face. That’s just silly.

I love all of you punderful people. Thank you!

T-Pain I’ll bitch about slow wifi all I want and I say this as somebody who remembers getting a 56K dial up modem and knowing that modem actually never reached 56K.

Seems like a much more valid reason than many other people have for their Twitter accounts.

Kinda related but not really: I recently opened a Twitter account. But only to bitch to AT&T customer service. And it worked. I hate my life.

I am heartened to see that young Ms. Moretz has recognized Taylor Swift for the anthropomorphic hemorrhoid that she is.

Tyga and his landlord are not in a great place right now.

I think it’s something they do in their off-hours, when they’re waiting for a fresh virgin to tie to the railroad tracks.

The Pips don’t PLAY!

Pitch: A reality show with Kim Fields and Erika Alexander but (twist!) they can’t ever break character as Regine and Maxine.

Tootie would have been OK. But Regine Hunter would have killed.

It’s called Alphaluenza.

When asked to comment, his wife replied “I win bread, I SAVE BREAD!”

I have been drooling over the dresses on your site, btw.

I know it’s a typo, but I’m laughing and imagining a shop of clothes specifically for people to be buried in.

Viola Davis (HTGWM, etc.) - Oscar nominated

Nice job Kara. This and a shout-out from Ta-Nehisi Coates himself.