
No. I think the driver didn’t even check for traffic. You can’t miss a fockin tank rolling your way, and gently press the acceleration pedal to try and merge before it.

Probably because their mommy and daddy gave in to then when they were being demanding little shits instead of being a damn parent to them.

There’s quite a bit of elision and misinformation presented here. I truly don’t have the energy to dig into all of it, but let’s take on the scare-quoted oxybenzone and Vitamin A, for example. Retinyl palmitate, the natural form of Vitamin A that is used in sunscreens, has been proven safe by multiple rigorous,

What? The Sally Hemings cosplay?

Can we talk about the costumes?

That’s a rill stupid commercial, but he’s hot. I am now pro Hamburgler solely for face sitting reasons.

*Second one saved to desktop*

Welp, this is basically perfect. The hair, the creamy minty jade green, the understated makeup with a flash of purple lip color to pick up the trim of the...I guess this is more of an “ethereal confection” than a “dress”? I’ll just be over here in my burlap sack eating Cheez-its.


Baby 1: “We need to have a serious talk about your choices”

*shrug* I do this sometimes, especially if I’m going to be taking a lot of pictures. The ire in some of the comments here is confusing AF.

That second gif is amazing. Thank you for your dedication to always pay it forward with the best gifs

Drove to Daytona Beach with a cat in my car and got a tattoo. I just don’t even know how to explain that shit.

I am a cooper skinned afro caribbean girl with a shaved head, and I think I would look wonderful in those.

I have a dirty confession...I think these dresses are cute as shit. They remind me of the shifts Mia Farrow wore in Rosemary's Baby.

But alas, I am poor, fat, white trash. Maybe if I throw a NASCAR jacket over one of them?

I didn’t realise that not putting one’s cart away was even a thing, until I saw posts about it on Facebook, recently. There were many special snowflakes who could NEVER put their children in the carseats and then lock the car door and walk 15 or 20 feet away to return the cart. They didn’t have the time, it was too

I definitely don’t have angels. Putting your cart away is just one of those things that you do as a considerate member of society even when it’s not convenient for you. I have plenty of shit that is difficult to do with a screaming kid but I don’t really have a choice. I live in a third floor walk up and have to make