
The thing about "old women" is that you will be one. It's a fate avoidable only through death. And all the shitty stuff you've said or will say about middle-aged women will then be applicable to you—especially to you because you will have spent your youth convincing yourself that middle aged is "old." It will be a

I'd be pretty mortified if my mom did that. Old women just should not wear juniors clothing. I always get so uncomfortable when I see middle aged women shopping at H&M, Forever 21 and the like

This is the best theory on Britney Spears' popularity I've ever heard.

I actually think a lot of Britney's popularity is because she's not a great singer. I call it the cult of mediocrity* — all my friends and I loved her in high school because we could sing along with her songs and think we sounded just like here. We could dress like her, act like her, sing like her, dance like her,

1. Reverb.

It's actually completely possible to dance for even more than 90 WHOLE MINUTES and sing at the same time. It's called Broadway. Next.

Did you miss this part?

There are two ways you can find an employer liable for the actions of their employees: strict liability and negligence on the part of the employer.

That's a warm cheese sandwich with a side of sadness.

You get a D-. Put a little effort in your trolling.

First of all, I was obviously just trolling you for being so super serious business about a throwaway one-hit wonder song being used to promote a body positive message, which I would think would be a good thing.

The microwave part makes me so sad ;o; put a bit of butter in a pan and grill it!!!

I like to think that the song has grown to become an anthem against body-shaming. Whatever your shape, there are people out there who will find you sexy.

Okay, now you've insulted me twice, so I have no choice but to address this. I'm a white, middle-aged, super-feminist female who sees only light-hearted fun set to an excellent beat in this video. AND I'm a solid, contributing member of the Reddit community where, contrary to what people like you think, there are

I have been smoking pot for years, but edibles are a different story and I never know quite how I'll react.

A former friend lived with a woman that was a major stoner. Wake up, smoke. Go to bed, smoke. All the time, smoke. Therefore, her tolerance was very high. (haha...high.) One time we were hanging out and she had made pot brownies, a whole pan of them cut into little squares. She offered them to us and we ate a few,

"At only a few weeks of age, a kitten's bones have not yet hardened and become osseous. They are extremely soft and springy. In fact, if you take a week-old kitten and throw it to the floor, it will actually bounce! We do not recommend that you try this at home. The kitten may bounce under the furniture and be

I love olives. By themselves, in tapenade, in a puttanesca sauce. I object to a lot of the 70's tradition of "if in doubt, stick olives in the food", which can be observed widely in the Someone Ate This tumblr. Olives don't go with a lot of foods.