Erin I have to go into a boardroom meeting in 10 minutes and report to my C-suite bosses with red puffy eyes. Fuck you very much, Erin, you asshole. Fuck you so hard.
Erin I have to go into a boardroom meeting in 10 minutes and report to my C-suite bosses with red puffy eyes. Fuck you very much, Erin, you asshole. Fuck you so hard.
And the video is being shot by Terry Richardson. Nobody betta say shit about her being a feminist. No ma'am. She is not.
Her boobs do not affect her relationship God. If they did, then that's something she and God need to work out themselves. If her boobs affect my relationship with God, then that's something me and God gotta work out ourselves.
As a Christian I feel uncomfortable with her showing off her breasts... because they prove that God loves her more than me.
Everywhere. Starting at about the age of 14, I got hit on by old men (say early 20s and up... way up) at the mall, grocery store, park, beach, fast food restaurant, bus stop, DMV. They are everywhere.
Especially where this video was taken, the San Francisco neighborhood of New York
I went through a roller coaster of emotion. At first I thought it was kind of cute and plucky and then I started to get really sad and then frustrated - I have no idea why.
Damn that cat for being thin undyed cotton. Damn them straight to hell.
Even worse, I bet that cat is a HALF-BREED MUSLIN!
If I'm honest, based on the context of the past articles we've read, I sort of assumed that someone responsible called the paramedics, then Bieber & co. found out and cancelled them, insisting they could deal with it themselves and didn't want the bad publicity. Obviously I am a cynical jerk who should probably…
Right, I'm going to come off like an ass here, but here it goes:
1.) Is anyone even surprised anymore? This privileged, ridiculously wealthy young man has never been taught limits—and in situations where limits should have been applied, he's been told (and shown, through the US justice system) that his wealth is…
I find it interesting that the two most awful young male pop singers (Bieber, Chris Brown) think that they're as talented as Michael Jackson. Chris Brown's "Fine China" is basically nothing but a Michael Jackson impersonation.
I do not care if this is fake, I enjoy it. So there, all y'all Scrooges. Take that.
But that guy was on a VERY IMPORTANT BUSINESS CALL you guys! How dare that piano ruin his day with lighthearted cheer! HE IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!
That showdown between Papa Pope and Fitz last night was EVERYTHING. I just fell out. Joe Morton is the man. Period.
Okay, now you're bringing up an entirely different website, not a feminist website, and ignoring my question. Let me quote you back to yourself since you seem to have forgotten:
This one's pretty good. :)