I type in Gizmodo looking for what I’ve found for over a decade. Fuck me for looking at their homepage after they spent 10 years just giving me what I wanted.
I type in Gizmodo looking for what I’ve found for over a decade. Fuck me for looking at their homepage after they spent 10 years just giving me what I wanted.
Aw Gizmodo thinks it’s Gawker again.
Vaping got rid of mine. Not related to Nicotine since I have vaped 0 nic and relmained stone free after something like 20 years of using qtips and waterpicks getting rid of them. This is anecdotal but i suspect that the propylene glycol’s anti microbial properties are the reason why.
Clearly you didn’t get the memo about the evils of man-threading.
This one takes the cake. Blue October before they got all clean and evangelical.
Which begs the question...What if Zelda was a girl?
Limited to 32inch tv, and costs more than many 50inch tv’s once you configure the frame/art, looks a bit flimsy in the video
Limited to 32inch tv, and costs more than many 50inch tv’s once you configure the frame/art, looks a bit flimsy in…
Lifehacker, Fuck this post in particular. If I wanted to read this shit I would buy a copy of Cosmo. Long gone are the days of learning how to setup your home theater and folding a t-shirt in under 5 seconds.