
NO JOKE, we were at one of the entrance halls, and aside from the 1 volunteer manning the counter, there was just one other young family in this huge room. Suddenly, their young child went from standing on the bench that surrounded the dino platform to grabbing the leg of a dino. From 3 doors, docents and security

Carve the faces of old white dudes into the Black Hills

Thank you, Bertrice Small. Were it not for your presence in my Aunt Earline's bookshelves in the mid 1980s, it would've been years before I learned about dildos and lesbians and bestiality and anal, much less had such an early formative experience that instructed me that a heroine could totally just bang one dude

Open relationships *can* work. I know a guy and girl who have been married for 20 years and have been in an open relationship for just as long. And I used to "see" him whenever I was single for the past 20 years (I've known him since before they were married.) She knows who I am. She has answered the phone and passed

Protip: Monogamy, non-monogamy, polygamy, all relationships would be better if everyone was honest about what they wanted in their relationships and then figured out how to make it work or were clear that it wouldn't work.

I think you could probably describe all relationships as "this works until it doesn't". Every relationship has pros and cons that need to net positive in order to work for both sides, and the unfortunate reality is that medical issues have created this one. Maybe at some point their relationship won't be worth it to

I'm judging her a little for sneaking around at first instead of getting her husband's permission, but better late than never. They have pretty much the same rules I would have in that situation:

A lot of people think monogamy is a wonderful ideal but it unfortunately isn't often a realistic proposition. After a failed marriage and a new one that has just begun I do not find monogamy a wonderful ideal at all. It may work for some but I, and my wife, find it at odds to the natural human condition. We are

Basil is sweet and bright and a little lemony, it'd taste great, but I humbly propose thyme would better fit the "character" of Rosemary in the original recipe. It has some lemony notes, too, but also just a tiny bit of dry, herbal muskiness.

For me, getting to three means the kid stops having a choice. Like, if I'm counting down because I want the kid to stop watching TV and get their shoes on, "three" is where I turn off the TV and place the shoes on the child's feet myself. Which admittedly isn't the most terrifying punishment in the history of the

I think your wording is going to cause a lot of rage on here but I kinda understand what you are saying/doing. I have a five year old and a one year old. My five year old is his mother's twin in that he is incredibly independent and stubborn. It's a good thing because he won't take shit from anyone as he gets older

I'm a truly single parent of a super energetic two year old. I have no partner and no family within a hundred miles to lend a hand in the day-to-day stuff and it's fucking hard. Last week I had a bad moment like the one you described. Just loosing my shit angry because my son did something I'd asked him a million

So: I remember a few years ago when I posted something about how my grandma always gave the worst gifts and they were a running joke with the other members of the family. I got about a million comments decrying how I could be so cruel to my dear old Nana, who was trying so hard, and how terrible a person I was for

Nonsense about the abuse or you being an awful person. This is all totally normal, assuming when you say you are shaking him and physically relocating him, you aren't actually hurting him or shaking him in a scary/harmful way. Grabbing a whining, defiant 4 year old by the arm and leading him off to the bathroom-

Hey man, can I just say how much I identify with you right now? I'm a person with a temper. I know this about myself, and I work on it, but sometimes I slip up. I am terrified of having kids. But the only thing that terrifies me more is having kids, fucking up, and not being able to talk about it to anyone because

Pro-tip: no one is honest about parenting on the internet. I'm sure you can see why.

Listen, I'm actually really sensitive about this and rather than be defensive I'll just go into more detail: I know that in those moments I am not trying my best. I'm reacting out of emotion and a need for control. The stresses we are dealing with often get the best of me. Of anyone. I'm not perfect all the time. When

I see the responses to this going over really well.....lol

"I see no hope for the future of our people if they are dependent on frivolous youth of today, for certainly all youth are reckless beyond words... When I was young, we were taught to be discreet and respectful of elders, but the present youth are exceedingly wise [disrespectful] and impatient of restraint".