What holds me back from running for office? 2 main things.
What holds me back from running for office? 2 main things.
Thank you for this article. Being openly poly can be difficult, especially if you have kids. Nosy Nellies everywhere seem to think poly parents are awful, terrible people, but in reality, we’re no better or worse than any other group of people.
What meal do you make for yourself when everything is going wrong and you need some edible comfort?
I never knew that the green beans, tomatoes, and potatoes dish I sometimes make had a name... I thought I was just being clever, finding a handful of stuff that tasted good when I tossed it all together! I’ve made this from all canned veggies, dried onion and garlic powder when it was all I had on hand, and it STILL…
I know this is an old post but...
Yeah, I read that article with my jaw dropped.
The thought of his base backing away from his craziness warms my cold little heart.
Yeah, my head nearly exploded when I heard about those.
I have 3 extended family members who voted for useless 3rd party candidates and 1 who wrote in a vote for Mickey Mouse. In battleground states! I try not to hate them...
My husband and oldest son are living in a 3rd floor walk up in a 140 year old building. It. Is. FREEZING. They both sleep in sweats and hoodies, with about 5 blankets.
Isn’t it nice to know we’re not alone?
Ah, the good old withdrawal method. I’d like to introduce you to my secondborn son, my living proof of just how effective that method can be.
OT, but... Your username is just perfection. I love it!
Thank you.
Thank you. Sincerely. I just put that book on hold at my library.
Oh, God... her story nearly made me cry. Thank you for sharing this and making sure it gets seen.
I thought I was really tough, and I’d be that one who fought and yelled and got away. I wasn’t. I froze. I have been in some bad situations and stayed calm, stayed in control of myself, and panicked and fell apart later, but when I was assaulted, it was literally not in my power to do anything but live through it.
Trump may be horrifying, but Pence is terrifying.
After my 2nd baby, I did actually go back to work after 12 days. Waitressing. It sucked, severely. I worked for about 6 weeks, and then my husband finally found another job (he’d lost his when I was 7 months pregnant and we were broke as shit) and I quit the restaurant.