
What if you like both, but only on/with certain things?

Our local Walmart's starting pay is $8.25/hour. The idea of Walmart employees making more than $12/hour is totally foreign to me.

If they're smart (hey, it could happen), they'll keep the dollar menu, and even add some more stuff to it. From what I can tell (nothing official, I just know a lot of McSlaves), they make a large portion of their money from that. Maybe it's just our local one, since I don't exactly live in the biggest, most

Our district is actually almost the exact opposite. All kids who have Epi-pens are required to carry them at all times. No exceptions. So, even if it's January, and the only thing you're allergic to is beestings, you'd better have your Epi-pen in your pocket.

I enjoyed waiting tables... 15 years ago. These days, I'd rather be a McSlave. Slightly less bullshit to deal with, it seems like.

Paci or no paci... it really kind of depends on the baby. Of my 4 kids, one couldn't have cared less, one liked his paci for a few months and then never again, one didn't give it up until he was 5 (bedtime/naptime only after age 2), and one hated the paci but still sucks his thumb at age 9.

I love your username!

thanks for the "Someone Ate This" link... I spent several hours this morning reading the entire site! I laughed My ass off, and some of those things, I just... what? Why?! Some of them I can't even figure out what they were trying to be!

I know 2 guys like this. One's in his 30's, and one's in his 50's. The one in his 30's has an actual LIST the a girl must meet all criteria on before he'll even consider asking her out (between 5'3" and 5'6", brunette, long hair, built like Barbie, college grad or better, etc.) Have I mentioned that they are both

Now THAT is twisted.

Ha! Very nice. The secret message should read "Oh, great Kinja gods, please, please fix posting from my Android phone!"

My mom always wanted to go out on Mother's Day, buT I prefer to stay in and order pizzas or pick up food from Wendy's Or something. I'm not a fan of crowded and loud places, and special days pretty much guarantee that most restaurants will be both.

I'm late to the party here, but I've got 2 good ones. no, wait... 3.

I feel liKe birth order plays a part, but it's certainly not the be-all and end-all. Personal anecdata time!

Snow Tha Product kicks Iggy Azalea's ass up and down the block (figuratively speaking, of course). Video at link is mildly NSFW for language.

what?! *runs off, googling madly*

Rabbit sausage sounds incredible, honestly. I really want to try that, now!

"But giving birth that young is associated with a variety of medical risks and emotional, social, and financial costs, including the likelihood that the mother will not finish high school or earn a GED."

Underwater scream therapy, huh? I might just try that... Less likely to freak out my neighbours than screaming while NOT underwater. Frankly, it sounds like a great stress reliever!

"I'm sure you won't find Padua any different from your last schools. Same little asswipe shit for brains everywhere!"