
Not the point, I know, but kids being provided with iPads or other tablets/laptops at school IS becoming the norm. They have them at all the schools in our district, and we're not exactly the richest area around. There are grants and programs that pay for these, now.

Maybe I just have weird kids, but my guys all go for the veggies and fruits.

my mom was discouraged from becoming both an archaeologist and an art teacher because they "didn't pay well". so she became an elementary school teacher instead, and we lived poor most of my life anyway. go figure, eh?

holy shit, dude. i was going to whine about my ear infection, but that suddenly doesn't seem like such a big deal. glad to hear that you'll be alright, even though it sounds like a long hard road to it.

i masterbate to orgasm nearly every day, actually. i have a ridiculously high sex drive. i have 2 long-term partners (male) and i do orgasm occasionally with them (more with one than the other) but sex is not about reaching orgasm for me. it's a pleasant bonus, but not the most important part. i simply enjoy the acts

i'm not very good at explaining things... let me try again.

there are some people who, whether for physical or mental reasons, can't orgasm at all, ever. maybe she never has and never will, but if she's satisfied...

or, maybe, some of us just enjoy sex, regardless of orgasms.

i think that if your friend says she is satisfied, you should believe her. i say this because i rarely have an orgasm with a partner, male or female, hookup or long-time partner, but have no problem orgasming on my own. and yet, my sex life is incredibly satisfying (i have 2 male partners i've been with for 17 years

i know that that was probably rhetorical, but i actually did find a man like that recently. he loves sex and everything that goes along with it, but can count the number of ejaculatory orgasms he's had on one hand. he enjoys the physical skin-to-skin contact and giving his partner pleasure and doesn't strive for his

iknorite??? i get a good mad on and i clean faster, so i really can't understand why they just STAND there and yell.

yep, they're still cute and somewhat malleable at that age, and you think you've gotten through the worst part with the no sleep and colic-y screaming behind you...

oh, yeah. trust me, i never knew it could take a full half hour of whining to be able to pick up a single garbage bag and walk it to the dumpster. also, this apparently requires an entire 8 pack of hotdogs to fuel up for the trip. grrrrrr...

i'm 33, and my oldest just turned 15. i felt like i should be standing in the kids-waiting-to-register line, not the parents-waiting-to-pay line, based on the ages of the parents i saw at high school registration. it's WEIRD, sometimes.

sorry, not trying to comment stalk you. BUT IT'S LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT MY HOUSE IS LIKE.

my 15 year old son and i thoroughly agree with you.

i quit shaving regularly about 10 years ago. i quit shaving almost entirely about 6 years ago. i have never in my life shaved my pits. i only occasionally trim or pluck my ladyhairs, just when i feel like it. i remember to pluck my eyebrows about once a year.

"look like they are trying to shit a Furby"

trust me, it's not just you. i loathe the Facebook-only invite trend.

i am still le gris, myself, and i don't know why. it's frustrating, and i post less on Jez because i know i'm just going to get buried.