
that's pretty much my opinion, too. i've drummed "safe, sane, and consensual" into my sons heads since they understood what sex was, and, at least with the teen-child, it's paid off.

that ain't nuthin' :) i can carry 3 full dinners, plus sides, on one arm. as long as the plates aren't blazing hot, that is. 5 years of waitressing, 10 years since i worked, and i still haven't lost that talent.

not always. not all restaurant owners are total dicks. granted, i last waited tables about 10 years ago, but the half dozen places i worked, you generally got anything up to x dollars free, and more than that was 50%. that x ranged from $5-$8, so i usually got a burger or sandwich because i wasn't about to pay to eat

how strange is that idea, though? evolutionarily (is that a word? i think it is, but spell check does not agree) speaking we are preparing to become full grown and sexually functioning adults sooner, but culturally, we have extended childhood to an almost ridiculous length. it seems both counter-intuitive and

i believe it was Gandhi who said, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians, they are so unlike your Christ."

eh. before other-husband and i hooked up he was all bragging about it, so i wasn't expecting much, but i guess he was the exception that proves the rule. i told him the other day that if he was any bigger, we'd be having to take a break every day or 2 so i could recover!

yeah, a simple whistle can be appreciated. telling me i'm "fuckable" is not. ever.

i don't have much advice, but you're not the only one dealing with this. minus the vomiting, your cycles sound like mine. my cycle is 26 days, so i get 2 in a month several times a year. i can't do hormones (the pill, the patch, whatever) because then i bleed all month long. getting my period turns me into a

fried rice. you can toss just about anything into fried rice. use leftover rice for best results. dice up hard veggies and shred leafy ones. saute hard veggies first, then add in the rest.


i'm 33, married 13 years, and i have 4 kids, ages 14 (15 next month!), 12, 10, and 8. all boys.

i know i'm gonna get lost in the greys, but what the hell, here goes...

yes. this.

that's pretty much exactly what my ex and i did.

i got pregnant at 17. i hear you.

*hugs* you gonna be okay?

not all of them...

right?! we were watching the 6th Harry Potter movie the other day and he was just going ON about how this was wrong, and that was wrong, and... i was like, "is there any reason we're watching this movie besides for you to bitch about it???"

perfectly understandable. i've basically given up on watching tv or movies. even at 2am it seems like there's always someone interrupting.

*giggles* well, you're on Jez, so at least we'd probably get along!