
Going to sink a few more hours into Fallout 4 VR & try out Light Fields from Google.

Damn it. I was looking forward to the Bronco from the shape of the teaser, but now I’m more concerned they won’t use “Broncosaurus”. 

I lived in Vancouver for 5 years & had to pay $1500 a year for insurance, living in New Zealand I pay $30 a month for insurance for better coverage & I’m not worried about putting in a claim & seeing my insurance skyrocket. ICBC is terrible, runs on a huge deficit when private companies would be making a profit, & a

It’s a bit different this time since GTA5 was originally out on the PS3 & Xbox360. RDR2 is only out on the latest consoles so the differences between this & a PC version is pretty minimal in comparison.

Having owned cars from mx5s to mustangs & driven the gt86 (as well as the original ‘80s 86s), the new mustang isn’t as far removed from the new gt86 as you suggest. Someone looking for a front engine, rear wheel drive coupe around $20k should be considering both.

Well now I do!

Rocksmith, which uses your own guitar, is the best learning tool I’ve tried. Alongside the song learning/playing they have video tutorials & games for guitar techniques or practicing scales.

These cars are way too functional to be pugs, what car has it’s air intake blocked & wheels that are too small all in the name of supposed aesthetics.

“and having human legs in the front would compromise the speed of a horse human hybrid”
Typically centaurs are depicted with the human ending around the waist so you’d have all horse legs, this is just a full human who’s been surgically attached to a small horse.

Hasn’t WoW basically killed the story of warcraft, since every one in the world has repeatedly killed every major character from the RTS series repeatedly for years?

A super soldier from WW2 displaced into the present/future is a concept that has aged ok. An alien that looks like a human, becomes an American, has every super power & who’s weakness is a rock, is a dated uncool concept.

Arkham Knight was my least favourite of the series. While the story took some interesting dark turns a number of elements really brought down the game. The repetitive gameplay that didn’t really evolve much from the original, being the worlds greatest detective by pressing ‘X’ to solve everything (seriously why didn’t

My only experience with the Age of Empires series was with the offshoot, Age of Mythology which I bought again when it was re-released on Steam. The slightly improved visuals were welcome without taking away from the original design, but gameplay wise I much prefer the Company of Heroes approach on fewer units &

While the plastic interiors of new cars & all the extras they come with often make the car feel bloated, I would in an instant replace all the running gear, brakes & suspension in a numbers matching muscle car/classic.

The thought of having just one car really reduces the entertainment value, too bad it wasn’t opened up to more manufacturers, actually I’d be happier if Telsa supplied the electric engines & people built their own race cars with other production car bodies.

Too bad they decided not to use artists when they designed & developed Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite then.

The IMSA TV website really is amazing for watching with the ability to choose between the race broadcast & a number of onboard cameras.

I picked up the Mercedes GT3 for my nephew, I might have to pick up the 911 turbo as well.. for my nephew of course.

“The “I don’t like it, therefore, it shouldn’t exist” mentality is, unfortunately, very common among us gamers.”

I don’t think it’s that common, just a loud vocal minority. The vast majority of gamers sit between the extremes of any viewpoint, I’d imagine most people would either be indifferent or somewhat interested

The original on display shows just how good looking the 60's mustangs were, but for the bullitt editions I prefer the 19, then the 08 & finally the 01.