

Yeah, i loved that. This was almost incestious, every one knows everyone and is or will be related somehow. Those “connections” can make up good stories but is heavily overused in Starwars.

WTF this is sick...

I want that! I can swim, i see not problem. Hm more ideas coming in...

The Pics lof love Cube look like works of “Isekai”. hmm.

A majority of gamers is still male. And i dare to guess they are young hetero males. Shouldn’t the amount of games reflect the amount of possible customers? I for my self have no interest in LGBT or pseudo lesbian stuff.

Well, bad luck. Me the PC Masterrace plays now Splatoon...

No, thats about the rumor of child sex trafficing by rich people and now one get caught. And woops he is dead. I do not believe in conspiracies, but this stiiiiiiiiiinks.

Also not backed up: sneezing if someone is talking about you.

Stumbled over it on reddit: One Thought: WHAT??

Once it has VR, i buy it.

I am under the impression with all the popculture around us, Nazis are sometimes viewed similiar to Darth Vader and there is not much left in the memory that show the true horrors of those times.

Ninja? Ah, the fortnite guy i heard of. Whats Mixer? That might be the last i heard of him. I am not sad. xD

Meh, less and less BF2 teamplay. Got all BF since BF2, i am done with BF.

Thats unfair to her.

Fine by me, i don’t care for her shit(twitch) either...

Wow. “Schnitzelwecken!” 

Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.


nudge nudge: hey drug smugglers, they got you by satellite. “Semi” is not enough...